Stretch a variable
I want to create a value for a ppVariable at run time which stretches based
on the number of lines that are concatenated, as in "value := field1+ #10
+field2+ #10 +field3+ #10 +field4". I have the ppVariable wordwrap = true. I
have the band height set to dynamic, but the ppVariable does not stretch..
on the number of lines that are concatenated, as in "value := field1+ #10
+field2+ #10 +field3+ #10 +field4". I have the ppVariable wordwrap = true. I
have the band height set to dynamic, but the ppVariable does not stretch..
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The TppVariable will only extend downward if an acutal wordwrap occurs and
AutoSize is set to False, it will not stretch when a line feed symbol is
encountered. Try using a TppMemo object instead of a variable with Stretch
set to True. This should work better for your needs.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
make the band phDynamic and even though the memo field is set to stretch, it
is not.
The page footer band is the only band that cannot be positioned or
stretched. You will need to use a group footer band or the summary band to
get this effect. See the following example for more information on how you
might do this.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors