Report-designer: Menu Items have wrong Check Mark
This is a UI bug:
Menu Items mniReportPortrait, mniReportLandscape, mniPassSettingOnePass &
mniPassSettingTwoPass are all radio-items, so their RadioItem property
should be True.
It is really confusing to have checkmarks dissappear without touching the
Rick Beerendonk
Menu Items mniReportPortrait, mniReportLandscape, mniPassSettingOnePass &
mniPassSettingTwoPass are all radio-items, so their RadioItem property
should be True.
It is really confusing to have checkmarks dissappear without touching the
Rick Beerendonk
This discussion has been closed.
- mniReportUnitsScreenPixels
- mniReportUnitsPrinterPixels
- mniReportUnitsInches
- mniReportUnitsMillimeters
- mniReportUnitsMMThousandths
Thanks for the feedback. The reason these menu items act like radio button
items is based on the fact that they are mutually exclusive. We welcome any
suggestions on how to make this easier to understand.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
You can read about Microsoft's guidelines here:
Mutually exclusive menu items should show they are mutually exclusive. You
can read about this in the above linked document. So in D7,
MenuItem.RadioItem := True and in D8, MenuItem.RadioCheck := True.
Now I am forced to write my own component that changes these properties for
our own end-users.
Regards, Rick Beerendonk
Thank you for the information. I will research this and get back to you
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors