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Access violation on band selection

edited May 2004 in General
With my reporting app, there are times when I get the 'Access violation...'
It happens in ReportDesigner (the design page) when trying to select a band.
Also, trying to add a control on the bands, I get an exception
EOutOfResources 'Unable to insert an item'.

For the moment I can't see if it's my fault in configuration of the
ReportDesigner or something else... I'm using RB7 Enterprise.

There is any known solution for such situations?



PS: These are the only setting applyed before calling ReportDesigner.Show()

with fReport do begin
Template.OnNew := DoReportTemplateNew;
OutlineSettings.Enabled := True;
OutlineSettings.Visible := False;

FReportDesigner := TppDesigner.Create(Self);
with fReportDesigner do begin
Report := fReport;
UserName := fReport.Caption;
AllowSaveToFile := False;
TabsVisible := True;
EnableHelp := False;
TppDesignerWindow(Form).mniFileSave.OnClick := DoReportSave;
TppDesignerWindow(Form).mniFileSaveAs.OnClick := DoReportSaveAs;
OnClose := DoReportDesignerClose;
OnCloseQuery := DoReportDesignerCloseQuery;
OnActivate := DoReportDesignerActivate;
OnDeactivate := DoReportDesignerDeactivate;
IniStorageType := 'Registry';
IniStorageName := GetGlobalStr('RegistryReportBSettings');
AllowDataSettingsChange := False;
fADOConnection.LoginPrompt := False;
DataSettings.SessionType := 'ADOSession';//'SDACSession';
DataSettings.DatabaseType := dtMSSQLServer;
// Set DatabaseName only after DatabaseType!!!!
DataSettings.DatabaseName := fADOConnection.Name; //_Connection.Name;
DataSettings.SQLType := sqSQL1;
DataSettings.AllowEditSQL := True;
DataSettings.UseDataDictionary := False;
Form.Caption := Format(REPORTS_CAPTION_FMT, [fDescription]);
Form.FormStyle := fsMDIChild;


  • edited May 2004
    Hi Costi,

    There are no known issues like this with regards to the Report Designer at
    runtime. If this is a relatively large report with many images per page,
    you may be receiving the AV simply because you are out of resources on your
    specific machine. If possible, please send an example of this issue that I
    can run in .zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com and I'll try to
    recreate the AV on my machine.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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