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Slow Loading of Report Template with SQL

edited May 2004 in General
When I load a report template, it can take up to several minutes for it to
load. I believe the problem is that the SQL from the Data tab in the
designer is being evaluated when the template is loaded (via
Report.Template.LoadFromFile), but before the report is run.

Is there any way to disable the evaluation of the SQL from the Data tab so
that it's only evaluated when the report is actually run and not when the
template is loaded?



  • edited May 2004
    FYI, I'm using ReportBuilder 7.03

  • edited June 2004
    Hi Doug,

    Are you by chance loading templates created in an earlier version of
    ReportBuilder? I believe when you load older templates into the latest
    version of ReportBuilder, the queries will be executed during the conversion
    process. Otherwise, the SQL will not be evaluated until the report is
    printed. When you load the template, ReportBuilder will need to check your
    connection which could take some time depending on the database you are
    using. You might try simply moving the LoadFromFile call to a place just
    before you print the report so you do not have to wait twice.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2004

    Thanks. The templates were created using version 7.03. I've verified that
    the SQL is definitely being executed with the SQL Profiler (I'm using MS SQL
    Server). I can't simply move the LoadFromFile call to a plcace just before
    the report is printed because I'm using it to load the template file and
    then save it as a blob to the database. It's not really feasible to incur
    the overhead against a large database just to load the report template with
    the end user report designer every time it needs to be edited.

    Do you have any other ideas as to why this might be happening?

    Much thanks in advance,

  • edited June 2004
    Hi Doug,

    I created a sample application that connects to the Northwinds Access
    database using ADO, but was unable to get any SQL to execute when simply
    calling Report.Template.LoadFromFile. In fact the datapipeline never opens
    the datasets. If possible, please send a small example that connects to the
    same database and executes some SQL code as you say. You can send the
    example in .zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2004
    Thanks Nico.

    From the Microsoft SQL Profiler, I've determined that the SQL statement is
    being executed when the call to Report.Template.SaveToDatabase is being made
    (we load the report and save it into the datatabase as a BLOB to be
    retrieved later). I was making a call to assign a data pipeline from the
    form, but I commented it out. For example:

    // Report.Template.DatabaseSettings.DataPipeline := plReports;

    This still didn't solve the problem. If I get some time (I'm currently
    under a deadline), I'll try to reproduce this scenario with the Northwind
    MSSQL database, but if you could take a look at
    Report.Template.SaveToDatabase when you get I chance it would be very much

    Thanks again,

  • edited June 2004
    I've narrowed things down to what is causing the problem.

    Basically, it boils down to the fact that I'm performing a search and
    replace on the SQL data in the report before executing it, because there are
    some parameters I need to replace. Changing the SQL text causes the SQL to
    be executed down the line in TdaBDEDataSet.GetFieldsForSQL, where line 868
    sets lQuery.Active := True;

    I've noticed that whenever I edit the SQL data in the report, it executes
    the SQL statement, presumably to validate the SQL text. Is there any way to
    disable this validation so the query isn't executed until I actually run the
    report? Perhaps there is a better way to do this?


  • edited June 2004
    Hi Doug,

    Yes, when you edit the SQL, ReportBuilder by definition will execute the SQL
    statement to be sure it is valid. This works the same way a TDataSet
    descendent works in that if you alter the SQL of a Query, it needs to be
    validated before you can use the component. The only way to work around
    this requirement would be to either alter the existing BDE plugin or create
    a new one with this behavior dissabled because there is no built in way to
    turn this behavior off.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2004

    Are you aware of an existing plugin for Core Labs SDAC (MS SQL Data Access
    Components)? If not, could you please direct me to documentation that will
    show me how to create one?

    Thanks again for all your help,

  • edited June 2004
    Hi Doug,

    There are no plugins for the Core Labs connectivity that I know of. If you
    are interested in perhaps creating your own, you will want to take a look at
    the existing BDE and ADO plugins (daDBBDE.pas, and daADO) and use them as a
    reference. Usually the creation of these plugins is fairly simple, only a
    matter of overriding and implementing the correct methods and coding them to
    perform their specific task based on the specifications of the new

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004
    Doug wrote:
    send me an mail and YOu'll get free component for that-TReportExchange...
This discussion has been closed.