I have some db-labels, which are positioned among each other. If one of
these labels is empty, the subjacent labels should glide to the last not
empty label. How can I do this?
I hope, you can understand my terrible English.
Thanks for help
create a column report (to mimic you labels) and then use skipwhenempty
if you meant something like this:
<- label 3 is empty so it prints an empty line
then you would have to place all labels into regions and set those regions
to shiftrelative to each other
then in a rap event or in the onprint of each region check for valid data
and switch the visible prop of that region accordingly
Marc is correct. I would suggest placeing all your dbText components inside
a TppRegion component. Then inside the DetailBand.BeforePrint, check the
value of each record. If one of the records is empty, set the
TppRegions.Visible to False. Remember you will need to set it back to True
once the detail band has printed.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
if this is an end user report then it is the problem of the end user
so the end-user (or you) will have to do the shifting in rap code
it's the only way
or you'll have to look for a specific naming of the component placed and
alter it that way before printing (findcomponent)
i would go for the rap way, very powerfull!