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AVs in RB 7.04

edited July 2004 in General
I'm having alot of AVs when switching between preview/design mode multiple
times. Is this normal? Is there some combination of things in the Delphi
environment that might cause this? This is using Delphi 7.1 and DBISAM
7.04. and RB 7.04 Enterprise. Thanks.


  • edited July 2004
    Hi George,

    Are you getting these AV errors at runtime or design time? Which OS are you
    currently using. Do the AV errors give any type of message or trace into
    the ReportBuilder code at all?

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004
    I'm using XP at design time. I haven't researched very far into this as
    this only seems to happen when I'm in the report builder ide. If this is
    atypical of what other people are seeing, I'll dig deeper.

  • edited July 2004
    EurekaLog 4.5.4

    1.1 Start Date : Mon, 19 Jul 2004 12:48:49 -0500
    1.2 Name/Description: Delphi-32 Development Environment
    1.3 Version Number :
    1.4 Parameters :

    2.1 Date : Mon, 19 Jul 2004 12:54:38 -0500
    2.2 Address: 40005F50
    2.3 Module : rtl70.bpl
    2.4 Type : EAccessViolation
    2.5 Message: Access violation at address 40005F50 in module 'rtl70.bpl'.
    Read of address 656C623D.

    Active Controls:
    3.1 Form Class : #32770
    3.2 Form Text : Error.
    3.3 Control Class: Button
    3.4 Control Text : &OK

    4.1 Name : LAPTOP
    4.2 User : George Feamster
    4.3 Total Memory: 1535 Mb
    4.4 Free Memory : 1007 Mb
    4.5 Total Disk : 51.6 Gb
    4.6 Free Disk : 12.18 Gb

    Operating System:
    5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
    5.2 Build # : 2600
    5.3 Update : Service Pack 1
    5.4 Language: English (United States)

    Call Stack Information:
    |Address |Module |Unit |Class
    |Procedure/Method |Line|
    |05260CAC|ExceptionExpert7.bpl|Exceptionlog.pas |
    |StandardEurekaNotify | |
    |0085595C|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
    |HandleException | |
    |40005F48|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject
    |InheritsFrom | |
    |40005E80|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
    |_IsClass | |
    |00986ADC|vclide70.bpl |Ideinsplistbox.pas|TInspListBox
    |DrawPropItem | |
    |00831910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
    | |
    |77F5B380|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
    |4002FE94|rtl70.bpl |Classes.pas |TThreadList
    |UnlockList | |
    |007BB240|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |
    |FreeMemoryContexts | |
    |77F5A838|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN | |
    |00831910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
    | |
    |00831844|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |Perform
    | |
    |77D47E1F|user32.dll | |
    |CallNextHookEx | |
    |007B74CC|vcl70.bpl |Graphics.pas |TCanvas |Unlock
    | |
    |00831910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
    | |
    |77D4546D|user32.dll | |
    |SendMessageW | |
    |77D45F5A|user32.dll | |
    |CallWindowProcA | |
    |77D45F5A|user32.dll | |
    |CallWindowProcA | |
    |40005EF0|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
    |_CallDynaInst | |
    |00831910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
    | |
    |77F5B380|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
    |4002FE94|rtl70.bpl |Classes.pas |TThreadList
    |UnlockList | |
    |77D43DD4|user32.dll | |
    |DispatchMessageW | |
    |77D4D9A7|user32.dll | |
    |DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW| |
    |77D65694|user32.dll | |
    |DialogBoxParamA | |
    |05260CAC|ExceptionExpert7.bpl|Exceptionlog.pas |
    |StandardEurekaNotify | |
    |0085595C|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
    |HandleException | |
    |77D45F5A|user32.dll | |
    |CallWindowProcA | |
    |40005F48|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject
    |InheritsFrom | |
    |40005E80|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
    |_IsClass | |
    |009841C8|vclide70.bpl |Ideinsplistbox.pas|TInspListBox
    |GetPropValue | |
    |005E4B60|coreide70.bpl |Propinsp.pas
    |TPropertyInspector|DoUpdate | |
    |77F5B2A0|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlEnterCriticalSection | |
    |77F5B380|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
    |77F5B380|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
    |40010008|rtl70.bpl |Sysutils.pas | |FmtStr
    | |
    |4000FFDC|rtl70.bpl |Sysutils.pas | |Format
    | |
    |77F5B380|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
    |40003440|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
    |_FreeMem | |
    |40006E20|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
    |_LStrClr | |
    |77F5B380|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
    |77D45F5A|user32.dll | |
    |CallWindowProcA | |
    |400128CC|rtl70.bpl |Sysutils.pas | |Now
    | |
    |400128CC|rtl70.bpl |Sysutils.pas | |Now
    | |
    |40005F48|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |TObject
    |InheritsFrom | |
    |40005E80|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
    |_IsClass | |
    |009841C8|vclide70.bpl |Ideinsplistbox.pas|TInspListBox
    |GetPropValue | |
    |005E4B60|coreide70.bpl |Propinsp.pas
    |TPropertyInspector|DoUpdate | |
    |04A754E0|rbIDE77.bpl |Ppdsgner.pas |TppDesignerWindow
    |RestoreReportState | |
    |04A74EB8|rbIDE77.bpl |Ppdsgner.pas |TppDesignerWindow
    |SetPreviewPageActive | |
    |04A74C38|rbIDE77.bpl |Ppdsgner.pas |TppDesignerWindow
    |SetPageActive | |
    |40005EF0|rtl70.bpl |System.pas |
    |_CallDynaInst | |
    |77F5A838|ntdll.dll | |
    |RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN | |
    |00831910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
    | |
    |00831844|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |Perform
    | |
    |77D45F5A|user32.dll | |
    |CallWindowProcA | |
    |00834CA4|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
    |DefaultHandler | |
    |00834CA4|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
    |DefaultHandler | |
    |77D47E1F|user32.dll | |
    |CallNextHookEx | |
    |00831910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
    | |
    |00834B40|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl |WndProc
    | |
    |77D45F5A|user32.dll | |
    |CallWindowProcA | |
    |00831D1C|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl
    |WMLButtonDown | |
    |00834A18|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TWinControl
    |ControlAtPos | |
    |00831910|vcl70.bpl |Controls.pas |TControl |WndProc
    | |
    |77D44369|user32.dll | |
    |DispatchMessageA | |
    |00855608|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
    |ProcessMessage | |
    |008556B8|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication
    |HandleMessage | |
    |0085585C|vcl70.bpl |Forms.pas |TApplication |Run
    | |

    Modules Information:
    |Handle |Name |Description
    |Version |Size |Path
    |00320000|designide70.bpl |Borland IDE Designer Package
    | |625664 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |003C0000|BRCIDE.DLL |RC Compiler Interface
    | |78848 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |00400000|delphi32.exe |Delphi-32 Development Environment
    | |545792 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |00490000|coreide70.bpl |Core Integrated Development Environment
    | |3186688|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |007B0000|vcl70.bpl |Borland Component Package
    | |1383936|C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |00910000|vclactnband70.bpl |Borland Component Package
    | |276480 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |00960000|vclide70.bpl |Integrated Development Environment Specific
    Components | |708608 |C:\Program
    |00A20000|tlib70.bpl |Borland Type Library Exporter
    | |486912 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |00AA0000|dcc70.dll |
    | |843264 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |00BF0000|delphide70.bpl |Core Delphi Integrated Development
    Environment | |473088 |C:\Program
    |00D20000|borlndmm.dll |Borland Memory Manager
    | |22528 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |02160000|direct70.bpl |Developer Direct News Module
    | |105984 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |02180000|wininet.dll |Internet Extensions for Win32
    |6.0.2800.1405 |588288 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |02220000|delphivclide70.bpl |Core Delphi VCL IDE Package
    | |139264 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |02250000|vcldesigner70.bpl |Borland IDE VCL Designer Package
    | |167424 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |02280000|stride70.bpl |String Resource Editor IDE Package
    | |93696 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |022C0000|proide70.bpl |Core Professional Integrated Development
    Environment | |848896 |c:\program
    |023A0000|delphipro70.bpl |Delphi Professional Integrated Development
    Environment | |357376 |c:\program
    |02400000|designdgm70.bpl |Borland IDE Diagram Package
    | |424960 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |02470000|delphiclxide70.bpl |Core Delphi CLX IDE Package
    | |139264 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |024A0000|qtintf70.dll |Delphi-Qt2.x Interface Library
    | |4082688|C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |02890000|clxdesigner70.bpl |Borland IDE CLX Designer Package
    | |249856 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |02D20000|DFWEDIT.DLL |
    | |99872 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |03700000|DelForEx7.dll |
    | |68096 |C:\Tools\DelForEx
    |03BA0000|iteide70.bpl |Borland Integrated Translation Environment
    | |18944 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |03BB0000|itecore70.bpl |Borland Integrated Translation Environment
    | |735744 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |03FF0000|dcldbxcds70.bpl |Borland Local DBX ClientDataSet Components
    | |32768 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |04030000|rc70.bpl |Borland Integrated Translation Environment
    | |62464 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |04070000|dbrtl70.bpl |Borland Database Component Package
    | |258560 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |040C0000|dbexpress70.bpl |Borland DBExpress Component Package
    | |131584 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |040F0000|VclSmp70.bpl |Delphi Sample Component Package
    | |64512 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04110000|dcldb70.bpl |Borland Database Components
    | |196096 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |04150000|dbxcds70.bpl |Borland Local DBX Client DataSet Component
    Package | |40960 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04160000|teedb70.bpl |Borland TeeChart DB Component Package
    | |43520 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04170000|applet70.bpl |Borland Control Panel Wizard
    | |55808 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |04190000|GExpertsD7.dll |GExperts for Delphi 7
    | |2104832|C:\Program Files\GExperts for Delphi 7
    |047A0000|dsnap70.bpl |Borland Local Provider Component Package
    | |209408 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |047E0000|dclemacsedit70.bpl |Borland EMACS Keybindings Example Package
    | |42496 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |047F0000|dclshlctrls70.bpl |Borland Win32 Shell Controls
    | |32256 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |04800000|vclshlctrls70.bpl |Borland Win32 Shell Controls
    | |90624 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04820000|dclRBC77.bpl |
    | |40960 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\RBuilder\Lib
    |04830000|rbTC77.bpl |
    | |87040 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04850000|rbRCL77.bpl |
    | |1474560|C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |049C0000|rbTDBC77.bpl |
    | |62976 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |049E0000|rbTCUI77.bpl |
    | |39936 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |049F0000|dclDAD77.bpl |
    | |126464 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\RBuilder\Lib
    |04A20000|rbIDE77.bpl |
    | |929280 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04B10000|rbDB77.bpl |
    | |60928 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04B30000|rbDAD77.bpl |
    | |297984 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04B80000|rbDIDE77.bpl |
    | |280576 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04BD0000|dclRBU77.bpl |
    | |30208 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\RBuilder\Lib
    |04BE0000|rbUSER77.bpl |
    | |63488 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04C00000|rbDBDE77.bpl |
    | |84992 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04C20000|rbBDE77.bpl |
    | |42496 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04C30000|rbADO77.bpl |
    | |70144 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04C50000|rbDBE77.bpl |
    | |72192 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04C70000|rbIBE77.bpl |
    | |75264 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04C90000|dclRBE77.bpl |
    | |129536 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\RBuilder\Lib
    |04CC0000|rbCT77.bpl |
    | |167936 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04CF0000|rbCIDE77.bpl |
    | |122880 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04D20000|dclRAP77.bpl |
    | |38400 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\RBuilder\Lib
    |04D30000|rbRAP77.bpl |
    | |313856 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04D90000|rbRIDE77.bpl |
    | |160256 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04DC0000|dclABC_b.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |61952 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |04DE0000|dclABC_d.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |38912 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |04DF0000|dclABC_f.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |55808 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |04E10000|dclABC_g.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |48128 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |04E30000|dclABC_i.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |47104 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |04E50000|dclABCbd.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |81920 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |04E70000|db408d7d.bpl |DBISAM VCL Standard with Source Code
    | |135680 |C:\Tools\DBISAM\d700\code
    |04EA0000|db408d7r.bpl |DBISAM VCL Standard with Source Code
    | |1296384|C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |04FF0000|dclRave.bpl |
    | |130560 |C:\Rave5\D7
    |05020000|Rave50VCLBEX70.bpl |
    | |1103360|C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |05140000|Rave50CLXBEX70.bpl |
    | |973824 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    | |346112 |C:\Program Files\EurekaLog 4\Delphi7
    |052C0000|dcllmdshared_D7.BPL |
    | |104960 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\projects\bpl
    |052F0000|dcllmd_D7.BPL |
    | |1592320|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |05480000|lmd70_d7.bpl |
    | |2019328|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05680000|dcllmddb_D7.BPL |
    | |111104 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |056B0000|lmd70db_d7.bpl |
    | |358400 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05710000|dcllmdtxt_D7.BPL |
    | |73728 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |05730000|LMDParse30_D7.bpl |
    | |284160 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05780000|lmdtxt70_d7.bpl |
    | |160768 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |057B0000|dcllmdtxtdb_D7.BPL |
    | |31744 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |057C0000|lmdtxt70db_d7.bpl |
    | |49664 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |057E0000|dcllmdrtf_D7.BPL |
    | |280576 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |05830000|lmdrtf30_d7.bpl |
    | |430592 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |058A0000|dcllmdrtfdb_D7.BPL |
    | |25088 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |058B0000|lmdrtf30db_d7.bpl |
    | |71168 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |058D0000|dcllmdsh_D7.BPL |
    | |74240 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |058F0000|lmdsh30_d7.bpl |
    | |346112 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05950000|dcllmdsys_D7.BPL |
    | |81408 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |05970000|lmdsys20_d7.bpl |
    | |535552 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05A00000|dcllmdweb_D7.BPL |
    | |55296 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |05A20000|lmdweb30_d7.bpl |
    | |283136 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05A80000|dcllmdsp_D7.BPL |
    | |58880 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |05AA0000|lmdsp20_d7.bpl |
    | |118272 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05AD0000|lmdsp20db_D7.bpl |
    | |36864 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05AF0000|Apollo6D7d.bpl |Apollo VCL 6.1
    | |34304 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05B10000|dcllmdbar_D7.BPL |
    | |122880 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |05B40000|lmdbar10_d7.bpl |
    | |207360 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05B80000|dcllmddsg_D7.BPL |
    | |48128 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |05BA0000|lmddsg20_d7.bpl |
    | |333312 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    | |103936 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\projects\bpl
    |05C20000|lmdstorage10_d7.bpl |
    | |215552 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05C60000|ip4000dcl7.bpl |InfoPower 4000
    |4000.0.5.5 |237568 |C:\Program Files\Woll2Woll\ip4000vcl7\package
    |05CA0000|ip4000v7.bpl |InfoPower 4000
    |4000.0.5.5 |1393152|C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |05E00000|VCLZipD7_3.bpl |
    | |199168 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05E40000|Dclzrpt7.bpl |
    | |98304 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05E60000|ZRpt7.bpl |
    | |295424 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05EB0000|O406_d70.bpl |
    | |437248 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |05F20000|O406_r70.bpl |
    | |1903616|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06100000|Apollo6D7.bpl |Apollo VCL 6.1
    | |351232 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06160000|SDE61.DLL |SDE
    | |229376 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |06BA0000|S403_d70.bpl |
    | |89600 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06BC0000|S403_r70.bpl |
    | |1161216|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06CF0000|halcyon6_d6.bpl |
    | |381952 |C:\Tools\Halcyon6\delphi6
    |06D60000|K102_D70.bpl |
    | |89088 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06D80000|K102_R70.bpl |ShellShock Runtime Package
    | |311808 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06DE0000|Connect.bpl |
    | |18944 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06DF0000|Connect2.bpl |
    | |49664 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06E00000|inet.bpl |
    | |18432 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06E10000|rbIP77.bpl |
    | |49152 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06E40000|mftp.bpl |
    | |193536 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06E80000|rbISAM77.bpl |
    | |72192 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06EA0000|O406BD70.bpl |
    | |110080 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06ED0000|O406br70.bpl |
    | |398336 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06F40000|DBISAMExtPkg.bpl |DBISAM Extensions Suite
    | |601600 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |06FE0000|crcontrols70.bpl |
    | |99840 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |07000000|dac70.bpl |
    | |233472 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |07040000|dcldac70.bpl |
    | |57344 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |07060000|dacvcl70.bpl |
    | |28672 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |07070000|QR4RunD7.bpl |
    | |903168 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |07270000|DBMONI~1.DLL |
    | |72704 |C:\PROGRA~1\CoreLab\DBMONI~1
    |07660000|btkeyind.dll |
    | |53248 |C:\Program Files\IBM\Bluetooth Software
    |076B0000|sdacvcl70.bpl |
    | |30208 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |076C0000|sdac70.bpl |
    | |245760 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |161792 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
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    | |159232 |C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3
    |10000000|skhooks.dll |Win32 Hooks DLL
    | |61440 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |1A400000|URLMON.DLL |OLE32 Extensions for Win32
    |6.0.2800.1400 |484352 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |27000000|MsgInfo70.bpl |Additional Compiler Messages Module
    | |105472 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |40000000|rtl70.bpl |Borland Component Package
    | |783360 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |40100000|dclABCxx.bpl |ABC Components Shared Property Editors
    | |566272 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |40200000|dclABC_a.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |44032 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
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    | |215040 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |97792 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |227328 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |402C0000|vclhie70.bpl |Browser Hosting Support
    | |23552 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |40300000|dclABC_c.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |50688 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |40370000|xmlrtl70.bpl |Borland XML Component Package
    | |853504 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |40450000|visualclx70.bpl |
    | |1289728|C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |264704 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |56320 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
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    | |111616 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |37888 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |149504 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |40800000|dclABC_h.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |48128 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |40850000|bdertl70.bpl |Borland BDE DB Component Package
    | |222208 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |40890000|dbx70.bpl |Borland Database Explorer UI & engine package
    | |611328 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |40930000|vcldbx70.bpl |Borland Extended DB Component Package
    | |78336 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |403456 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |371712 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |40AA0000|teeui70.bpl |Borland TeeChart UI Package
    | |254976 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |223744 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |40BB0000|inetdbbde70.bpl |Borland Internet DB BDE Component Package
    | |16384 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |40BC0000|inetdbxpress70.bpl |Borland Internet DBxpress Component Package
    | |16384 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
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    | |194560 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
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    | |42496 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |41100000|dclABC_k.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |43520 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |41200000|dclABC_l.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |40448 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |41300000|dclABC_m.bpl |ABC Components Design Package
    | |42496 |C:\Program Files\abc7\Delphi7
    |43000000|ABC70.bpl |ABC Version 7 Runtime for Delphi 7
    | |1281536|C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |43800000|ABCDB70.bpl |ABC Version 7 DB Runtime for Delphi 7
    | |684032 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |43900000|ABCDBD70.bpl |ABC BDE Runtime for Delphi 7
    | |152576 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |4F480000|hpcstr05.dll |
    | |895488 |C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3
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    | |84992 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |50060000|dclstd70.bpl |Borland Standard Components
    | |311808 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |500B0000|dclbde70.bpl |Borland BDE DB Components
    | |351232 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |50140000|dclmid70.bpl |Borland Local Provider Components
    | |106496 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |50180000|dcltee70.bpl |Borland TeeChart Components
    | |93184 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |501D0000|dclclxdb70.bpl |Borland CLX Database Components
    | |81920 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |501F0000|dclclxstd70.bpl |Borland Standard Components
    | |252416 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |50240000|dclsmpedit70.bpl |Borland Sample Editor Enhancments Package
    | |64512 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |50260000|dclact70.bpl |Borland ActionBar Components
    | |99840 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |50280000|dcl31w70.bpl |Borland Windows 3.1 Components
    | |44544 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |50310000|dclnet70.bpl |Borland Internet Components
    | |373760 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |50440000|dclocx70.bpl |Borland Sample Imported ActiveX Controls
    | |162816 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |50470000|dclite70.bpl |Borland Integrated Translation Environment
    | |275456 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |504C0000|dcldbx70.bpl |Borland DBExpress Components
    | |120320 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |50530000|QR4DesignD7.bpl |
    | |74240 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |50550000|dclsmp70.bpl |Delphi Sample Components
    | |17920 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin
    |50950000|EXPTDEMO.DLL |
    | |626176 |C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin
    |51000000|dclusr70.bpl |
    | |79360 |c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl
    |5AD70000|uxtheme.dll |Microsoft UxTheme Library
    |6.0.2800.1106 |203264 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |5E7B0000|pclxl.dll |PCL-XL Printer Driver
    |0.3.1281.0 |169472 |C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3
    |5EDD0000|olepro32.dll |Microsoft (R) OLE Property Support DLL
    |5.0.5014.0 |106496 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |605D0000|mslbui.dll |LangageBar Add In
    |5.1.2600.1106 |22528 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |629C0000|LPK.DLL |Language Pack
    |5.1.2600.1126 |18944 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |63000000|SynTPFcs.dll |SynTPFcs
    | |65536 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |679E0000|MacName.dll |MacName UI Hook
    | |73818 |C:\Program Files\Conversions Plus
    |70A70000|SHLWAPI.dll |Shell Light-weight Utility Library
    |6.0.2800.1514 |406528 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |71950000|comctl32.dll |User Experience Controls Library
    |6.0.2800.1515 |921600
    |71A50000|mswsock.dll |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service
    Provider |5.1.2600.0 |228352
    |71AA0000|WS2HELP.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT
    |5.1.2600.0 |18944 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |71AB0000|WS2_32.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
    |5.1.2600.0 |75264 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |71AD0000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL
    |5.1.2600.0 |21504 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |71B20000|mpr.dll |Multiple Provider Router DLL
    |5.1.2600.0 |55808 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |71BF0000|SAMLIB.dll |SAM Library DLL
    |5.1.2600.1106 |54784 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |71C10000|ntlanman.dll |Microsoft? Lan Manager
    |5.1.2600.1106 |38400 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |71C20000|NETAPI32.dll |Net Win32 API DLL
    |5.1.2600.1562 |306688 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |71C80000|NETRAP.dll |Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL
    |5.1.2600.0 |10752 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |71C90000|NETUI1.dll |NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes
    |5.1.2600.0 |230400 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |71CD0000|NETUI0.dll |NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes
    |5.1.2600.0 |74752 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |72D10000|msacm32.drv |Microsoft Sound Mapper
    |5.1.2600.0 |20480 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |72D20000|wdmaud.drv |WDM Audio driver mapper
    |5.1.2600.0 |22016 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |72E00000|msxml3.dll |MSXML 3.0 SP 3
    |8.30.9926.0 |1122304|C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |72FA0000|USP10.dll |Uniscribe Unicode script processor
    |1.409.2600.1106|339456 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |73000000|winspool.drv |Windows Spooler Driver
    |5.1.2600.1106 |132096 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |732E0000|RICHED32.DLL |Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0
    |5.1.2600.0 |3584 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |74720000|MSCTF.dll |MSCTF Server DLL
    |5.1.2600.1106 |266752 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |74D30000|oledlg.dll |Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 User Interface
    Support |5.1.2600.0 |117760 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |74E30000|RICHED20.dll |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0
    | |423424 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |75F60000|drprov.dll |Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider
    |5.1.2600.0 |11776 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |75F70000|davclnt.dll |Web DAV Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.0 |22016 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |762A0000|MSASN1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs
    |5.1.2600.1362 |51712 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |762C0000|CRYPT32.dll |Crypto API32
    |5.131.2600.1123|544256 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |76380000|msimg32.dll |GDIEXT Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.1106 |4608 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76390000|IMM32.DLL |Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.1106 |103936 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |763B0000|comdlg32.dll |Common Dialogs DLL
    |6.0.2800.1106 |258048 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |76840000|UNIDRVUI.DLL |UniDriver User Interface
    |0.3.1281.0 |196096 |C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3
    |76880000|UNIDRV.DLL |Unidrv Printer Driver
    |0.3.1282.0 |238592 |C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3
    |76B40000|winmm.dll |MCI API DLL
    |5.1.2600.1106 |171520 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76BF0000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper
    |5.1.2600.1106 |17408 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76E80000|rtutils.dll |Routing Utilities
    |5.1.2600.0 |39936 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76E90000|rasman.dll |Remote Access Connection Manager
    |5.1.2600.1106 |55808 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76EB0000|TAPI32.dll |Microsoft? Windows(TM) Telephony API Client
    DLL |5.1.2600.1106 |165376 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76EE0000|rasapi32.dll |Remote Access API
    |5.1.2600.1106 |217088 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76F20000|DNSAPI.dll |DNS Client API DLL
    |5.1.2600.1106 |139264 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76F60000|WLDAP32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL
    |5.1.2600.1106 |168448 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |76F90000|Secur32.dll |Security Support Provider Interface
    |5.1.2600.1106 |52224 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76FB0000|winrnr.dll |LDAP RnR Provider DLL
    |5.1.2600.0 |14848 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |76FC0000|rasadhlp.dll |Remote Access AutoDial Helper
    |5.1.2600.0 |6144 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |77050000|COMRes.dll |
    |2001.12.4414.42|792064 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |77120000|oleaut32.dll |Microsoft OLE 3.50 for Windows NT(TM) and
    Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems|3.50.5016.0 |569344 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |771B0000|OLE32.DLL |Microsoft OLE for Windows
    |5.1.2600.1362 |1183744|C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |77340000|comctl32.dll |Common Controls Library
    |5.82.2800.1106 |557056 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |773D0000|SHELL32.dll |Windows Shell Common Dll
    |6.0.2800.1556 |8350720|C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |77BD0000|midimap.dll |Microsoft MIDI Mapper
    |5.1.2600.0 |17920 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |77BE0000|MSACM32.dll |Microsoft ACM Audio Filter
    |5.1.2600.0 |67072 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |77C00000|version.dll |Version Checking and File Installation
    Libraries |5.1.2600.0 |16384
    |77C10000|MSVCRT.DLL |Windows NT CRT DLL
    |7.0.2600.1106 |323072 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |77D40000|user32.dll |Windows XP USER API Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.1255 |560128 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |77DD0000|ADVAPI32.dll |Advanced Windows 32 Base API
    |5.1.2600.1106 |558080 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |77E60000|kernel32.dll |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.1106 |930304 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |77F50000|ntdll.dll |NT Layer DLL
    |5.1.2600.1217 |654336 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |78000000|RPCRT4.dll |Remote Procedure Call Runtime
    |5.1.2600.1361 |535552 |C:\WINDOWS\system32
    |7C890000|CLBCATQ.DLL |
    |2001.12.4414.53|499712 |C:\WINDOWS\System32
    |7E090000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL
    |5.1.2600.1346 |257536 |C:\WINDOWS\system32

    EAX: 00000000 EDI: 00000000
    EBX: 00000000 ESI: 00000000
    ECX: 00000000 ESP: 00000000
    EDX: 00000000 EIP: 00000000

    Stack: Memory Dump:
    ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
    0012D438: 05270EB2 40005F50: 8B 40 DC 85 C0 75 F3 C3 B0 01 C3 90 51 83 C0
    C4 .@...u......Q...
    0012D43C: 0012DC10 40005F60: 8B 00 89 04 24 8B 04 24 5A C3 8B C0 B8 FF FF
    00 ....$..$Z.......
    0012D440: 05270EDD 40005F70: 80 C3 8B C0 C3 8D 40 00 C3 8D 40 00 C3 8D 40
    00 ......@...@...@.
    0012D444: 0012D478 40005F80: 56 66 8B 32 66 09 F6 74 17 66 81 FE 00 C0 73
    10 Vf.2f..t.f....s.
    0012D448: 01B7592C 40005F90: 50 8B 00 E8 28 FF FF FF 58 74 05 89 F1 5E FF
    E1 P...(...Xt...^..
    0012D44C: 01A91560 40005FA0: 5E 8B 08 FF 61 F0 C3 90 53 56 57 31 C9 31 FF
    8A ^...a...SVW1.1..
    0012D450: 00000000 40005FB0: 1A EB 02 8B 00 8B 70 CC 85 F6 74 15 66 8B 3E
    83 ......p...t.f.>.
    0012D454: 00000000 40005FC0: C6 02 8A 4E 06 38 D9 74 15 66 8B 0E 01 CE 4F
    75 ...N.8.t.f....Ou
    0012D458: 40005000 40005FD0: F1 8B 40 DC 85 C0 75 DB EB 18 8A 1A EB EB B5
    00 ..@...u.........
    0012D45C: 40000000 40005FE0: 8A 5C 31 06 32 1C 11 80 E3 DF 75 EE 49 75 F1
    8B .\1.2.....u.Iu..
    0012D460: 00000000 40005FF0: 46 02 5F 5E 5B C3 8B C0 53 56 57 89 CF 31 DB
    31 F._^[...SVW..1.1
    0012D464: 01B7592C 40006000: C9 EB 02 8B 00 8B 70 CC 85 F6 74 13 66 8B 0E
    83 ......p...t.f...
    0012D468: 00001007 40006010: C6 02 3B 56 02 74 13 66 8B 1E 01 DE 49 75 F3
    8B ..;V.t.f....Iu..
    0012D46C: 087210B4 40006020: 40 DC 85 C0 75 DD 88 07 EB 0A 83 C6 06 31 C9
    8A @...u........1..
    0012D470: 4000A00B 40006030: 0E 41 F3 A4 5F 5E 5B C3 53 56 57 31 C9 31 FF
    8A .A.._^[.SVW1.1..
    0012D474: 00000000 40006040: 1A 50 8B 00 8B 70 C8 85 F6 74 14 66 8B 3E 83
    C6 .P...p...t.f.>..

  • edited July 2004
    Hi George,

    I do not immediately see anything that sticks out about your configuration
    that would cause the AV when use the Report Designer. I will try to
    research this further and get back to you asap.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004
    In article <40fbcb2c@dm500.>, George Feamster wrote:

    I just changed from 6.03 to 7.04 and saw the same. A lot of AVs in the
    Designmode. I am using D5.01 and RB 7.04 Enterprise with W2K.

    Gruß aus den Bergen
  • edited August 2004
    Hi Gunter,

    Do these AV errors give any information on where they might be occuring? If
    so, let me know and I'll research the issue further.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2004
    I have just started using the Enterprise edition, and am getting AV's when
    changing between preview/design/calc mode. The AV is more likely to appear
    when some changes have been applied to the report. I can reproduce this by
    doing some changes, and then start flipping between the tabs, at some point
    the AV is raised. This is the AV Message:

    Access violation at address 40005F4A in module 'rtl70.bpl'. Read of address

    After having prssed OK to the AV's everything seems to work ok...

    D7 (all updates), WinXP (SP2), RB7.04 Enterprise

    "George Feamster" skrev i melding
This discussion has been closed.