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Please help

edited August 2004 in General
mARCELO" escreveu na mensagem


  • edited August 2004
    Hi Marcelo,

    You may need to write another pass thru function to find this information...

    Tech Tip: Detecting whether PrintDialog's
    Cancel button was Selected

    When the print dialog is displayed to the
    user, you can determine whether the Cancel
    button was selected by using the
    Report.OnPrintDialogClose event.


    procedure TForm1.ppReport1PrintDialogClose(Sender: TObject);

    if ppReport1.PrintDialog.ModalResult = mrCancel then
    ShowMessage('Use chose to cancel the print request');


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2004
    But i am loading templates, the event PrintDialogClose of the ppReport1
    at the main form is not detected.

    So, what report should i use on this new pass thru function?

  • edited August 2004
    Hi Marcelo,

    From what I can tell, all of your templates will need to use this pass thru
    function so you will need to write the pass thru function, register it with
    ReportBuilder and then use it as you need in each one of your report

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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