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Avery Labels

edited May 2003 in Subreports
I would like to print on Avery lables using a Smart Label Printer. When I
try to print, the labels print way below the place they are designed to
print (they start below the top of the label and print off the bottom of the

I am trying to use Avery 4150 type labels. The Report properties are:

All margins set to zero.
Height = 1
Width = 3.5

Is there a template I can download that will make the labels print


  • edited May 2003
    What are the detail band dimensions? It should be the size of one label. On
    the Report.PrinterSetup object, what is the paper size set to? How about the
    paper name? Try using the label template wizard from the File | New menu for
    a comparably sized label. Isn't 4150 sized to be 1 1/8 x 3.5 inches?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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