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D8 support in RB9?

edited November 2004 in General

Will there be support for D8 in RB9 any time?

Best Regards;
Richard Guillen.


  • edited November 2004
    Hi Richard,

    The short answer is no. Below is part of an article giving more information
    on this decision.

    A ReportBuilder for VCL.NET product has been shelved, just prior to
    completion. There are no plans to release it unless the VCL.NET platform can
    prove itself capable of building non-trivial applications. Digital Metaphors
    will not release a product that cannot perform up to our expectations and
    the anticipated expectations of developers and end-users. Thus far we have
    seen little demand for VCL.NET. We will continue to evaluate VCL.NET going


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2004
    Hi Nico,

    I don't understand your comment regarding not realeasing a VCL.NET version
    of RB "unless the VCL.NET platfrom can prove itself capable of building
    non-trivial applications". What exactly is it about VCL.NET that you think
    prohibit it from building trivial applications? VCL.NET is a complete port
    of the VCL framework so it should be capable of building applications of the
    same complexity as the VCL (Win32). I know that most developers where
    disappointed with D8 (a lot of which had to do with the lack of Win32
    support) however D2005 has changed all that. Since D2005 supports both
    Win32 and .NET development I would hope that RB would do the same. I think
    RB is an excellent product and we have integrated it for years into our
    commercial product and will continue to do so. RB9 looks impressive and we
    will be upgrading in the near future. But like all Delphi developers moving
    forward doing .NET development we need RB to be a tool we can continue to
    use, first because it is a great product and second because we are so
    heavily invested in it.

    Again, I am extremely curious as the what it is exactly about VCL.NET that
    you think prohibit it from developing complex applications.

    I am looking forward to your comments. Thanks in advance.

    Scott Rowat

  • edited December 2004
    Hi Scott,

    Yes, it should be, but unfortunately this is not the case. To give you an
    idea, the Digital Metaphors team spent over 9 months trying to port our
    existing code over to VCL.NET. This was very frustrating due to the fact
    that VCL.NET is extremely buggy, extremely slow, and virtually impossible to
    debug. Regardless, we were able to develop a working product (ReportBuilder
    8). We decided not to release this version partially from the lack of
    interest with our customers but mainly because the quality of the release
    was simply not to our standards. Unlike other companies, we will not shove
    a slow, buggy product out the door just because it is the end of the

    Although this is subjective, I do not believe this was the case. Developers
    (including myself) were disappointed with Delphi 8 due to its poor quality.
    Try using Delphi 8 for about a week and you will see what I mean :). We
    have done some minor experiments with VCL.NET in Delphi 2005 and have not
    found enough major improvements to justify using the resources to create a
    version of ReportBuilder 9 for VCL.NET as of yet.

    However, a ReportBuilder for pure .NET is being developed for the longer
    term future.

    The real strength of .NET is remoting and ASP.NET. We are currently
    considering and researching the possibility of a hybrid solution that
    enables Win32 based reports to be viewed using ASP.NET code and possibly
    WinForms code.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2004
    Thanks for the response. Though I can appreciate the problems with the D8
    release, D2005 has now been released and is not the buggy product that D8
    was and the debugging has been greatly improved as well as the performance.
    And considering DM has already made the investment and has a nearly complete
    version I would think it would be worth completing. We have a commercial
    product, the next version of which will be completed in 12 months, that must
    be development for the .NET enviroment. This is mainly due to customer
    demand but it makes good business sense as well because we are in a better
    position for partnerships and aquisitions if we have a .NET product as
    opposed to a Win32 product. RB has been integrated into our product for
    over 7 years and we have trained all our end-users to use RB. So, that puts
    us in a bit of a dilema because we want to continue using RB but a VCL.NET
    or pure .NET version isn't available. And though DM seems to be committed
    to a pure .NET version sometime in the future that doesn't help us much in
    the present because we do know your timeframe. And though a hybrid solution
    might work, I'm concerned that this would involve a .NET client using the RB
    Server and if so this would mean that all our clients would need to license
    the RB Server (as the RB Server cannot be distributed royalty free). Like I
    said before we think RB is a great product and we are trying to come up with
    any conceivable way to being able to continue using RB but it's becoming
    increasely difficult to do so without a .NET product of some sort.


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