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Dynamic Components Hanging Around

edited September 2003 in Subreports
Hi there,

I am creating some dynamic components (labels and DBText) on a subreport at
runtime. It works fine the first time but the second time I run this
report, the components that were created the first time the report was run
still appear on the report. I have tried report.publisher.reset and a
number of other things but I cannot seem to get the components to disappear
once the report has been run and then closed. It might be something very
obvious but I cannot work this out. The code is below:

i := 0;
dLeftPosition := 0;
SubReport := ppClSubReport1;

// Assign dynamic fields to report fields and labels
while i < DMRPSReports.ACDSClassListAndMarks.FieldCount do
ClassListReportLabels := TppLabel.Create(rptClassListAndMarks);
ClassListReportLabels.Band := SUbreport.Report.GetBand(btHeader, 0);
ClassListReportLabels.Transparent := True;
ClassListReportLabels.Left := dLeftPosition;
ClassListReportLabels.Height := 0.3229;
ClassListReportLabels.Width := 0.4167;
ClassListReportLabels.Top := speMainHeader.Top;
ClassListReportLabels.WordWrap := True;
ClassListReportLabels.Caption :=
ClassListReportLabels.Font.Name := 'Arial';
ClassListReportLabels.Font.Size := 10;
ClassListReportLabels.Font.Style := [fsBold,fsItalic];

ClassListReportDBText := TppDBText.Create(rptClassListAndMarks);
ClassListReportDBText.DataPipeline := Subreport.DataPipeline;
ClassListReportDBText.DataField :=
ClassListReportDBText.Band := SUbreport.Report.GetBand(btDetail, 0);
ClassListReportDBText.Left := dLeftPosition;
ClassListReportDBText.Height := 0.1875;
ClassListReportDBText.Width := 0.4167;
ClassListReportDBText.Top := 0.0104;
ClassListReportDBText.Font.Name := 'Arial';
ClassListReportDBText.Font.Size := 10;
ClassListReportDBText.Font.Style := [];

dLeftPosition := dLeftPosition + ClassListReportDBText.Width + 0.0667;

i := i + 1;

ppRgnDetail.Left := dLeftPosition;
ppRgnHeader.Left := dLeftPosition;
dbcAverageFM.Left := dbtFinalMark.Left;



  • edited September 2003
    Hi Richard,

    In your case you are creating the components at runtime. The report,
    subreport and the controls in the report are objects and they will exists
    until they are freed. If you don't free the report object or load a new
    report template then those dynamically created components will be used the
    next time you print the report. Try loading a report template that is the
    original copy if you want to run the report without those dynamic
    components. The subreport has a report property so you could call
    Subreport.Report.Template.LoadFromFile or LoadFromDatabase.

    Resetting the publisher will only clear any cached pages from the last run
    of the report, it won't affect the layout definition of the report.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2003
    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for replying. Doesn't the report object get freed when you close the
    preview window or after it has been printed? The CreateReportFromDataset is
    the example I am using for this and there is nothing in that example about
    templates or nowhere the report gets freed manually. Basically I am doing
    things in the same order as that report (i.e. create the components on the
    report and then print it) but still no joy. The only difference is that the
    example report has nothing on it but my report already has some components
    before I start adding more.


  • edited September 2003
    Hi again,

    I don't think I was very clear about what I am trying to do so here is an

    The report shows some student information aswell as assessment marks and

    When I run the report the first time (for a paper) it has the following

    ID, Name, Status, Test 1, Test 2, Exam, Final Mark, Grade

    When I run the report the second time (for a different paper with different
    assessments, student and grades) it has the following fields

    ID, Name, Status, Lab 1, Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4, Exam part 1, Exam
    part 2, Final Mark, Grade

    When I run this report the second time all the headings from the first time
    will still be on the report so for example both the Test 1 (from when I ran
    it the first time) and Lab 1 (from when I ran it the second time) labels
    will both appear on the report (Lab 1 on top of the Test 1 label) but I want
    the assessment labels and dbtext fields to be blown away every time I run
    this report. The ID, Name, Status, Final Mark and Grade labels will appear
    every time but the assessments differ from paper to paper. Hope this clears
    things up a bit.


  • edited September 2003
    Hi Richard,

    The example you are running only uses one instance of the report. It is
    owned by the form and is freed when the form is freed. The report creates a
    preview form when it runs that is freed when the preview form is closed, but
    the repor tobject is still in existance. You shouldn't need to free the
    report in this case. If you want to create new controls each time, then
    before you create the controls, call Report.Template.New to clear out the
    old components in the layout so you can start with an empty template. That
    should get it working.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2003
    Hi Jim,

    I did manage to get around it by putting the components into a TList when
    they were being created and then going through the TList and freeing them
    once the report had been run. Thanks for your help.


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