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ANN: ReportBuilder 10.06 is now available for Delphi 2007, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2005, Delphi 7, and D

edited March 2007 in General
Digital Metaphors Corporation announces the release of ReportBuilder 10.06!

ReportBuilder 10.06 includes VCL Win32 support for Delphi 2007, Delphi
2006/Turbo Delphi, Delphi 2005, Delphi 7, and Delphi 6.

Overview & screenshots: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/new_features.html

New Feature List: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/PDF/NewFeatures.pdf

Pricing: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/order/

Upgrade Now!

Enhancements for Version 10.06

Delphi 2007 Support!
- added support for Delphi 2007


- enhanced RB TeeChart Package Builder to display a progress dialog
- enhanced RB TeeChart Builder to support more Windows versions

- added ResetGroup support to DBMemo

- added support for ElevateDB. The DADE plug-in for ElevateDB can be
downloaded from


Fixes for Version 10.06

- Unit consolidation, removed units: ppDesignerTools, ppIDE, ppToolbars,
- Fixed AV that occured when you select Preview, re-select Design, and then
resize window
- Updated Duplex drop down list to display the items in the order
corresponding to TppDuplexType

- subreports. Page numbering fix for case in which a section in the main
report has ResetPageNo set to True and contains a nested section with
ResetPageNo set to False.
- RichText. Fixed MailMerge related issues. Using Band.BeforePrint to
modify RichText was being ignored. Screen was flashing during preview.
- RichText. When Transparent set to True, the RichText was not rendered to
the screen.
- 2DBarcode. Fixed issue where barcodes were scanning with a duplicate
character at the end of the data string.
- BackgroundPrintSettings property values were not getting loaded from

- Email. Autosearch dialog was not displayed when sending email outside the
preview window.
- Email. Modified Mapi plugin to fix case in which Outlook Express dialog
was disabled when opened.

- After editing a DPTeechart, Report Designer did not ask to save changes
prior to close

----> Professional <----------

- Delphi design-time error occured after using Query Designer to manually
edit the SQL text.

- Caption Total was truncated for case in which caption is wider than
widest column.

- Update ReportExplorer logic that initializes the Designer File | Menu
items, to better support the MergeMenu property.

----> Enterprise <----------

- Fix to enable drag and drop of text within the code editor
- Fix to move cursor to location of a syntax error, when double-clicked in
the code editor

Enhancements for Version 10.05

- New RB TeeChart Package Builder!(for Delphi 7 and later). Builds and
installs the RB TeeChart packages required to support the TeeChart version
installed to your machine. Use this utility to rebuild the RB TeeChart
binaries any time you install a different version of TeeChart. See
- Added TeeChart 7.09 Std support for Delphi 2006 (TeeChart Std 7.09 is a
special build that can be downloaded free from Borland)
- Published some of the newer properties available in TeeChart 7

- enhanced Object Inspector Property Editors for PrinterSetup
subproperties and some file properties
- added Shift+Ctrl Arrow key support for moving objects 10 pixels
- added DesignerWindow properties for DesignPageIndex and PreviewPageIndex

- added Report.Email property to provide access to the TppEmail object
- enhanced BarCode screen rendering quality (internally uses a metafile)

- new Email button enables reports to be emailed directly from the Report

- added Editor support for Tabs and Block Indent for selected text
- added RAP RTTI support for BringToFront and SendToBack

- new Email button enables reports to be emailed directly from the Client
Report Explorer

Fixes for Version 10.05

- ThemeManager needed to delay loading preferences until 1st toolbar is
- Opening two designers at the same time in the Delphi IDE did not work
- When Design tab is selected, need to restore workspace focus
- Improved International Language support for DataTree Layout page
- Modified ReportTree to enforce a min size of one pixel for the report
- Preview page now calls Report.InitializeParameters prior to calling
- Fixed destroy bug that is detected by FastMM
- Pasting a component to a report with a smaller band did not work

- Modified Image Borders to follow the boundary of the image, rather than
the component
- Fixed memory leak in the RichText.RetrieveMergeData routine
- 2DBarCode did not always process non-visibl characters correctly
- Report.OutlineSettings.Visible property was not persistent

- Printer. Enhanced to prevent 'floating point overflow error' caused by
some drivers
- Printer. Fixed issues related to case in which no printers are installed
- Printer. Support for duplex Vertical and Horizontal was backwards
- Preview. When preview is cancelled and autosearch is used to generate
another report, the preview tool buttons were not getting re-enabled.
- PDF. Fixed issue where Memo.ForceJustifyLastLine was not being honored
- PDF. Fixed issue where German umlaut was causing align issues with
justified text
- Email. AutoSearch dialog was displaying when emailing from the preview
- Email. Changing export file type from the email dialog was being ignored
- Email. Added profile support for the MAPI plugin
- Memory leak fix for Publisher.AddPageToCache method

- Editing a DPTeechart, report designer did not ask to save changes prior
to close

----> Professional <----------

- TdaSQL. Linking was removed if dataview is sorted on a non-aggregate
calc field
- TdaSQL. Linking was being allowed if the dataview was sorted on an
aggregate calc field.
- DOA demo. ItemUpdate query was not refreshing each time the parameter is
- dbExpress demo. The .dtm files were not being loaded properly

----> Enterprise <----------

- Added RAP RTTI support for TdaSQLBuilder.ApplyUpdates method
- Triggering RAP GlobalOnCreate event, needed to guard against report
getting Reset.
- Fix for case statement

Enhancements for Version 10.04

- Added TeeChart 7.08 support for Delphi 2006.
- Enhanced printing duplexed copies, a new print job will be created for
each copy
- Enhanced Email error handling capabilities.
- Added OnMailMerge event to update mail-merged richtext at runtime.

Fixes for Version 10.04

- When add a custom page to the designer, the tab change events were not
firing for the custom pages.
- Multi-selection, setting a property from a popup menu only updates the
first component.
- Fix for case in which an AV can sometimes can occur when the selection
object is freed.
- DisplayFormat property editor did not support typing directly into the
property box.
- Report | Landscape (and Portrait) menu options were not working properly
- An AV stometimes occured in D2005 when a component inside a Region is
- RichText Editor, fixed design-time AV for D2006 Update2 when opening the

- Rotated Text, fix for DBText Autosize when rotated and right or center
- Fix for case in which a TppVariable is of type dtString and its OnCalc
is used to set other TppVariable.Value's.
- RichText, mail merge did use the currently registered TppDisplayFormat
- Fixed issue where shapes were filling with a black background color if a
brush pattern was used.

- When PrinterName is longer than 80 characters,
TppPrinter.ShowSetupDialog resulted in an error.
- when zoom setting is zsWholePage, the viewer sometimes displays a
vertical scrollbar
- Fixed DrawImage so that white background is not displayed when image
does not fill up the control.
- Screen device was not being disconnected when report was expored to a
file before being emailed.

- When TitleBand.NewPage is true and Visible is false, group header not
- TppVariable fix for case in which DataType is string and orphaned group
appeared on the previous page.
- Fix for image draw command naming used by HTML and PDF export
- Modified OnCancel event to fire after engine has stopped and to fire
when viewer is used.

----> Professional <----------

- NexusDB, corrected demo to work with optimized report explorer
- Directo Oracle Access (DOA), corrected demo to work with optimized
report explorer
- dbExpress, added support for additional database types: MS SQL Server,
Sybase ASA, Sybase ASE
- MS Access, added SESSION and MODULE to MS Access reserved words list.

- When merging datamodule's the datapipeline username may need to be
updated to ensure uniqueness.

----> Enterprise <----------

- Returning to the Calc tab, the ListView is not always activated properly
- Loading a template and calling ShowModal repeatedly can sometimes AV in

----> Server <----------

- Modified to delete prior content unless request is incremental

- Fix for WebTier.Inisettings when using wildcards such as
($Application)\rbWebTier.ini for the file name.

Enhancements for Version 10.03

- support for TeeChart 7.07 (Delphi 2006, Delphi 2005, Delphi 7)
- Added ShowCancelDialog property to the Report Email Settings.


- Enhanced Object Inspector to support Parameters Editor
- Enhanced Object Inspector to support Variant properties
- Enhanced RAP Editor to prevent cursor from being positioned in the
protected, grey, area.

Fixes for Version 10.03


- Modified to notify design modules of a close, prior to asking user
whether to save changes.
- Statusbar was not getting updated immediately when Language changes
- Modified timing of when a design module gets set to active - now occurs
after tab changed
- ReportTreeWindow was not always rebuilding the report tree when a report
template is loaded.
- Modified merge menu feature so that original menu items are not deleted
when performing a merge.
- Turned off auto completion for FontSize combobox
- When copy/paste a region, the child controls need to maintain relative
- when using Ctrl + mouse drag to select objects in a region, do not select
the region

- Themes: Fixed exceptions that can occur when using reports in a dll and
the app is closed.
- Modifying the UserName property did not set report.modified to True.

- Preview: When OutlineSettings.Enabled is true and Visible is false, need
to enable the popup menu.
- Preview: modified to enable report generation to be cancelled.
- PDF: Fixed memory leak
- PDF: Fixes spacing issues with a German Umlaut and fixed pitch fonts.
- Border weight was not being honored by the output screen and printer
- Shapes: Reverted back to the original way shapes were drawn (i.e. using
TCanvas.Rectangle) due to some shape to shape alignment issues.

----> Professional <----------


- ReportExplorer: some toolbar hints contained an accelator char (&)
- ReportExplorer: File, View, Help items needed GroupIndex initialization
- ReportExplorer: Setting form properties via code, could sometimes cause
an AV.


- Fixed issue where DataView position and size was not being restored whena
report was loaded

----> Enterprise <----------


- Calc Dialog: Pressing the enter key resulted in dialog closing, rather
than a line feed in the editor.
- Small language support fix for the case in which the Calc workspace has
not been activated and the language is changed.

----> Server <----------

- ClientReportExplorer sometimes tried to connect to server at Delphi

Enhancements for Version 10.02


- new TppDesignerWindow.MenuDock property (can be used to move menu to a
parent form)
- added ShowComponents support for PageBreak and 2dBarCode components
- modified Paste so that it does not apply an offset when pasting to a
different report


- improved generation of linking SQL (i.e. magic sql) to work for more
complex cases

Fixes for Version 10.02


- Changing Language did not update the interface immediately, a shut down
was required
- Menu short cuts did not work for international installations
- ShowComponents feature was not working
- Closing Designer from the Preview workspace, did not support close query
(i.e. ask user to save changes)
- Importing a template file, did not support close query (for end-user
- Snap to grid support for sizing controls is sometimes one pixel off
- align toolbar options for Space Horizontally and Space Vertically did not
work properly
- align top sometimes changes the z-order of the components
- Closing designer while subreport selected and then loading a new report,
did not update workspace correctly


- An AV can sometimes occur when a DBPipeline is destroyed and FreeBookmark
is called
- Added support for Delphi 2006 TWideMemoField datatype
- Fixed an issue with storing a template to an "ntext" field in SQL Server
for Delphi D2006


- Fixed 2DBarCode PDF417 encoding for sequence of digits longer than 13.
- Fixed 2DBarCode sizing calculations so that screen display and printing
- Updated Checkbox BDS IDE registration to work properly (must disable on
demand loading).


- Printer defaults for properties other than PrinterSetup (such as Quality)
were not always used
- Cancel button was disabled when the viewer was busy calculating the first
pass of a report
- Fix for case in which autosearch defaults to an empty report
- When detail is zero height, the preview workspace does not get activated
- When report is two pass, sometimes switching back to calc or design
causes an AV

- Updated internal event notification related to freeing bookmarks when a
datapipeline is closed.

----> Professional <----------


- Query Designer 'Edit SQL as Text' feature was not working properly
- When visual data link deleted, the underlying field links were not always


- Fixed issues with IBExpress demo
- Fixed ReportExplorer MergeMenu to work with new MenuBar class
- Added Menubar and Toolbar properties to the ReportExplorerForm class

----> Enterprise <----------


- Fixed Rap Interface Option hiding the Calc tab (riNotebookTab)
- RAP Editor was incorrectly highlighting "//" as a comment (RAP compiler
does not support this)
- Fixed issued related to switching from a subreport Calc workspace to
Preview, and then to Design

Enhancements for Version 10.01 - 2/24/2006

Designer Enhancements
- Added Theme support for Designer Notebook Tabs
- Save/Restore Design selection when switch tabs
- Added snap to grid support for sizing a control

RCL Enhancements
- PrintHumanReadable property added to the 2DBarCode component

String Translator Application
- updated for RB 10 strings

Fixes for Version 10.01 - 2/24/2006


- edit toolbar now supports multi-selection (edit box, combo boxes).
- ToolWindows now restore docked width
- Sort field alias list that is displayed in the edit toolbar
- Sort field alias list that is displayed in the report wizard
- Edit toolbar combo boxes now support auto completion (i.e. Pipeline list,
Field list).
- Format toolbar buttons for center and right justify were switched
- Improved Design Preview exception handling (exceptions that occur during
report generation)
- When switching to subreport tabs in the designer, sometimes an AV occurs
- Fixed registration of rbIDE resource file used for international language
- TppDesigner.OnTabChange event passed incorrect NewTab value
- When using XPMan the spin controls did not look quite correct
- Designer.MergeMenu did not properly clone Separator items
- Past undo support was not working correctly
- Group Header/footer menu does not display group dialog
- Snap to grid for y pos is only accurate for the header band
- Grid options Size does not immediately change the workspace
- rulers do not always stay in sync - when scrollable area changes
- when workspace gets focus, it incorrectly auto scrolls to the top


- Renamed Toolbar resource file to ensure uniqueness
- TmyCheckbox .dcu files were not installed correctly
- 2DBarCode fix for PDF417 encoding in which Data contains a sequence of
more than 13 digits
- 2DBarCode BarWidth and BarHeight changes are rendered correctly


- Fixed issue where shapes were filling with a black background color if a
brush pattern was used.


- Fixed issue where Right aligned text was being cut off when not autosized
in PDF.

----> Professional <----------


- When using PostgreSQL database type, modified to use the AS operator for
field aliasing
- Fix for case in which a query contains a field with the same name from
two tables and both are used for autosearch.


- Advantage EndUser example update
- Modified Dynamic Load Subreport demo to suppress report explorer locate
record event while loading the subreport template.

----> Enterprise <----------


- RAP calc dialog was not initialized properly
- Renamed RAP Editor resource file

Enhancements for Version 10.0 - 2/9/2006

- Delphi 2006 support

Designer Enhancements
- new internal architecture - extensive rewrite
- new XP style toolbars (supports themes)
- new XP style menus (support themes)
- new XP style popup menu (supports themes)
- new XP style tabbed notebook
- new XP style dockable tool windows
- new XP style icons
- enhanced Object Inspector to support multi-selection
- enhanced popup menus to support multi-selection
- new RAP Code Editor**

Report Component Library (RCL) Enhancements
- new 2D BarCode component: PDF417 and MaxiCode
- support for TeeChart 7.06 (Delphi 2006, Delphi 2005, Delphi 7)

Report Output Enhancements
- XP style Previewer
- new built-in Email capability w/plug-in architecture including Outlook,
MAPI, Indy plug-ins
- enhanced PDFDevice architecture to support registering "Renderer" classes
for each DrawCommand class

Report Explorer Enhancements*
- new XP style toolbars, menus, popup menus, icons
- optimized performance (new ItemTemplatePipeline property)
- enhanced to support Report Designer MRU (most recently used) Items

Visual Data Access Enhancements*
- new XP style tabs, toolbars, tool windows, menus, popup menus, icons
- enhanced scrollable work space
- new stored procedure custom DataView example (RBuilder\Demos\EndUser
Databases\SQL Server\ADO\Stored Procedures)

RAP Enhancements**
- new XP style tabs, menus, popup menus, icons
- new professional style RAP code editor

Server Enhancements***
- XP style Client Report Explorer
- optimized Client Report Explorer performance (new
ReportExplorerVolume.ItemTemplatePipeline property)

*ReportBuilder Profession and Enterprise Editions
**ReportBuilder Enterprise Edition
***ReportBuilder Server Edition

Fixes for Version 10.0 - 2/9/2006

- Subreport destroy bug fix.
- MDI destroy bug fix.

- Rotated text was not aligned correctly when text is assigned via the
component OnGetText event.
- Images loaded via code were not exported to PDF/XHTML because the
internal image name was not updated.
- Fixed case in which Anchor bottom (i.e. ShiftWithParent) is True and the
stretchable object uses 0 space.
- CheckBox Color property was not supported
- Barcode dialog was not getting free'd when it closes. (It was getting
freed when the app ends)

- Fixed PDF transparency issues with right and center aligned text.

----> Professional <----------


- dbExpress plug-in did not reset the internal client dataset when SQL is
modified (i.e. AutoSearch)
- Fix for SQLBuilder to better support adding a field by its name
(Description or SQLFieldName)
- Fix for TdaSQL to better support adding a Calc field to the SQL Order By

----> Enterprise <----------


- fix for case in which a report definition is loaded into a childreport
and some of the RAP event-handlers have to be removed

Digital Metaphors


  • edited March 2007
    How do registered v10 users get access to the update ?

  • edited March 2007
    I hope this will be very, very soon anyway.
    I have very close deadlines for the time beeing.
    Kind regards


  • edited March 2007
    We sent out an email blast last night.

    RB 10 registered users that did not receive notification can send an email
    to info@digital-metaphors.com and request it. Please include your serial
    number and registration info.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2007
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    I will do that. This is the firt time that I did not recieve my

    David Farrell-Garcia
    Whidbey Island Software, LLC
  • edited April 2007
    David Farrell-Garcia wrote:

    Well, FWIW, you're not the only one. Same situation over here.

    Ilkka Hyvärinen
  • edited April 2007
    Ilkka Hyv?rinen wrote:

    Same here.

  • edited April 2007

  • edited April 2007

    "Ilkka Hyv?rinen" schrieb
  • edited April 2007
    Ilkka Hyvärinen schreef:
    And dito again
  • edited April 2007
    Ilkka Hyvärinen wrote:

    Me too!

    Jeremy Knowles
  • edited April 2007
    >Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    I've not seen an upgrade email as well...

  • edited April 2007
    Ilkka Hyvärinen wrote:



  • edited April 2007
    Ilkka Hyvärinen wrote:

    Me too


  • edited April 2007
  • edited April 2007
    And another ditto here.

    Van Swofford
    Tybee Jet Corp.
  • edited April 2007
    TJC Support wrote:

    Rather many dittos. Did something go wrong with the mailing or
    do we all have over-efficient spam-filters? Seems pretty unlikely,
    at least in my case mail from DM should come properly through.

    Ilkka Hyvärinen
  • edited April 2007
    Ilkka Hyvärinen wrote:

    Same here.


  • edited April 2007
    >RB 10 registered users that did not receive notification can send an

    Did this 2 days ago. Still nothing, what is the problem!?

    Roland (Beensoft)

    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
  • edited April 2007

    I aplogize for the delay.

    I have just e-mailed the download information to you again. Please check
    your e-mail and spam folder and let me know if you still did not receive it.

    Thank you,

    Lisa Johnson
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited April 2007
    >I have just e-mailed the download information to you again. Please
    receive it.

    Hi Lisa,

    I got it!

    Thank you!

    Roland (Beensoft)

    --- posted by geoForum on http://delphi.newswhat.com
This discussion has been closed.