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Blank Page at end of Report

edited November 2005 in Subreports
I am using RB 9.03 and Delphi 6 Pro. I have a report with a Section
SubReport in the summary band. This SubReport itself has a section SubReport
in it's summary band. Each SubReport only has a ppMemo in the detail band
which I populate when the main report starts, so neither has a pipeline

My problem is that I continue to get a blank page at the end of the report,
so if my report has 14 pages, the last blank page will have a footer saying
"Page 14 of 14". When I disable the 2nd SubReport (visible=false) I still
get the blank page, which leads me to believe the 1st SubReport is causing
the problem. If I disable both SubReports, the main report prints fine w/ no
blank page.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Eric Buescher


  • edited November 2005
    Hi Eric,

    Section subreport are meant to be placed inside an empty detail band in
    order to combine multiple reports together as one. When they are placed
    outside the detail band (or if there are other objects inside the detail
    band), you will most likely get an empty page at the beginning or end of
    your report because by definition section subreports start a new page.

    My suggestion would be to place all of your main report information in a
    section subreport followed by the existing section subreport inside an empty
    detail band of your main report.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2005
    I'm confused here, so if you could clarify I would appreciate it. I tried
    what I thought you were suggesting and it didn't work.

    I moved all my main report stuff into it's own Section SubReport and then
    put this SubReport in the Detail band of the now empty Main Report Form. I
    also moved the other two SubReports into this same Detail Band so that the
    Main Form detail band has 3 Section SubReports in it. The rest of the Main
    Report form is empty (no title, header, footer, etc.). If I try instead to
    "chain" these reports together then I run into the problem you were stating
    earlier, where I would have a Section SubReport in a detail band which is
    not empty, or I could put the SubReport #2 into the Summary band of
    SubReport #1, but then I'm back to the problem of blank pages.

    Thanks for any help,

  • edited November 2005
    Hi Eric,

    It all depends on what you would like your report to look like. The basic
    idea is that you need to remove all section subreports from the summary
    bands of other reports. I would recommend going back to having an empty
    main report with only three section subreports in the detail band. All
    report objects that were previously in the main report need to go into the
    first section subreport. If there are any other components in the detail
    band other than subreports, they also need to go into the first subreport.

    Main Report
    Section Subreport1 - contains previous main report
    Section Subreport2 - subreport previously in the main report's summary
    Section Subreport3 - subreport previously in Subreport2's summay band.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2005
    That is actually what I did, but I wasn't sure from your 1st post if that is
    what you were recommending. When I print this report I still get blank pages
    after both the 2nd and 3rd section subreports. Here is what I've found as
    I've tried to debug this. The 2nd subreport uses the same printer settings
    as the 1st, but is in 2 columns portrait mode. The 3rd subreport uses
    different printer settings as it is in landscape mode and has 2 columns as
    well. NewPrintJob=false for all subreports. If I set the subreports (2&3) to
    only 1 column, then there are no blank pages. When I set them back to using
    columns, then the blank pages reappear. If I print subreports 2&3 by
    themselves by making the others invisible, then I still get the blank pages.
    Subreport #1 always prints fine and is only 1 column wide. Subreports 2&3
    each have a title and footer band, and the detail band only contains a
    ppMemo set to Stretch. I'm wondering if the RBuilder code to stretch the
    memo is intially bumping up the page count for the subreport, not counting
    the fact that the memo will be "wrapped" into the next column. I have tried
    all combinations of OnePass and TwoPass on all the subreports. I have
    checked that the ppMemo boxes do not have a bunch of blank lines overflowing
    onto another column/page. I just did a test so that the memo boxes in
    subreports 2&3 would only have about 1/2 of a column of data and would not
    need to "wrap" onto the next column, and no blank pages printed. This would
    lend evidence to the possible RBuilder problem of stretching memo boxes over
    multiple columns.

    Note: I initially chained the subreports together in the summary bands as
    per the RBuilder Help File which states "... (Note: In order to link several
    reports together, place each subsequent SubReport in the SummaryBand of the
    preceding report.)." This was in the pbSection subreport help notes.

    Sorry for the long-winded post. Thanks again for any help,
    Eric Buescher

  • edited November 2005
    Hi Eric,

    If possible, please send a small example demonstrating the problem that I
    can run on my machine in .zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com and
    I'll take a look at it for you.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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