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Lost records when I export to xlsx data


I have a report with 152,990 records. I can export it to PDF without any problems, but when I export it to XLSXData, some records are missing. The report has a summary, and if I delete the summary, it works fine.

thank you


  • Hi Felix,

    This is not a known issue.

    Which version of ReportBuilder and Delphi are you using?

    Are you able to recreate this with a smaller dataset? If so, please create a simple example using only RB and Delphi components that we can run here and send it to support@digital-metaphors.com in .zip format and we'll take a look at what is happening.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2024
    Would it be enough if I send you the RAF file, the XLSX, and the PDF?

    I'm using delphi 12.2 and ReportBuilder 22.06

    Thank you
  • Hi Felix,

    A RAF file that shows the issue could help, although a working report with sample data would be better. A smaller representation of your large report would make the process of finding the issue much easier.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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