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UseSubSet Font Error 1100

I also get the error CreateFontPAckage Error: 1100. You write to fix it set UseSubNet to False but this not work for me XReport.PDFSettings.EmbedFontOptions.useSubset := False; The error is that EmbedFontOptions has no properties to set. What should i do to solve this problem. I use Report Builder for Delphi 22.03 Build 3 and 20.04

XReport.DeviceType := 'PDFA3ZUGFeRD';
XReport.TextFileName := 'C:\Temp\Invoice.pdf';

XReport.PDFSettings.EmbedFontOptions.useSubset := False; //Syntax error



  • prep_quittung.PDFSettings.EmbedFontOptions := [efAllFonts, efFontList] führt zu keinem Fehler aber es scheint die XML Datei auch nicht einzubinden
  • Hi Dirk,

    1. CreateFontPackage Error 1100 indicates that the Windows api is unable to process a certain font you are using. The entire error message should give you the name of the troubled font. Let me know and I can test here.

    2. In my testing, PDF file attachments are functioning correctly. Are you certain the file exists? Note that for ZUGFeRD compliance, the XML file name needs to be ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml or factur-x.xml. (or xrechnung.xml for xRechnung compliance.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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