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TMBCSEncoding memory leak when encryption PDF

FastMM is reporting a memory link when we enable encryption of a PDF.

PDF Settings:

PDFAFormat = pafNone

AllowAssemble, AllowCopy, AllowExtract, AllowInteract, AllowModify = false
AllowPrint, AllowQualityPrint = true
EncryptionType = etAES
KeyLength = kl256bit
Enabled = True
OwnerPassword = set
UserPassword = not set

This leak is reported if we print preview or print directly to a PDF.

Everyone has a photographic memory, but not everyone has film.


  • Forgot version info:

    Delphi 12.1 Patch 1
    RB 22.03 Build 373 - do to TRichView scaling issues when printed
    Everyone has a photographic memory, but not everyone has film.
  • Great find. I sent you a patch that solves the issue.

    Registered users with a valid software subscription can email support@digital-metaphors.com to receive that patch.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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