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Problem with Validation of ZUGFeRD Structure

Dear all,
we have got some problems with the validation of ZUGFerd Format especially with "xRechnung"

As you recommended we build the XML-Structure and attach this file to the PDF.
The PDF-Output is set to PDF/A3-Format in the Reportbuilder.

We got the following error message:

2020-12-01 11:36:18 [INFO] Loading scenario content from file:/opt/validator-master/
2020-12-01 11:36:19 [INFO] Loading XSLT script from resources/ubl/2.1/xsl/EN16931-UBL-validation.xsl
2020-12-01 11:36:23 [INFO] Loading XSLT script from resources/xrechnung/1.2.0/xsl/XRechnung-UBL-validation-Invoice.xsl
2020-12-01 11:36:23 [INFO] Loading XSLT script from resources/xrechnung-report.xsl
2020-12-01 11:36:24 [INFO] Loading XSLT script from resources/ubl/2.1/xsl/EN16931-UBL-validation.xsl
2020-12-01 11:36:25 [INFO] Loading XSLT script from resources/xrechnung/1.2.0/xsl/XRechnung-UBL-validation-CreditNote.xsl
2020-12-01 11:36:25 [INFO] Loading XSLT script from resources/xrechnung-report.xsl
2020-12-01 11:36:25 [INFO] Loading XSLT script from resources/cii/16b/xsl/EN16931-CII-validation.xsl
2020-12-01 11:36:26 [INFO] Loading XSLT script from resources/xrechnung/1.2.0/xsl/XRechnung-CII-validation.xsl
2020-12-01 11:36:26 [INFO] Loading XSLT script from resources/xrechnung-report.xsl
2020-12-01 11:36:26 [INFO] Setup completed in 10121ms

2020-12-01 11:36:26 [INFO] Checking content of /tmp/xrechnung/5fc62aaf6921f.xml
2020-12-01 11:36:26 [INFO] Step DefaultCheck$$Lambda$117/0x0000000800364040 finished in 0ms
Error on line 1 column 1
SXXP0003: Error reported by XML parser: Content is not allowed in prolog.
2020-12-01 11:36:26 [INFO] Parsing war nicht erfolgreich: null -> [IOException while reading resource /tmp/xrechnung/5fc62aaf6921f.xml: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Content is not allowed in prolog. At row null at pos null]
2020-12-01 11:36:26 [INFO] Step DocumentParseAction finished in 12ms
2020-12-01 11:36:26 [ERROR] Error processing input /tmp/xrechnung/5fc62aaf6921f.xml: IOException while reading resource /tmp/xrechnung/5fc62aaf6921f.xml: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Content is not allowed in prolog.
2020-12-01 11:36:26 [INFO] Finished check of /tmp/xrechnung/5fc62aaf6921f.xml in 12ms

2020-12-01 11:36:26 [INFO] Processing 1 object(s) completed in 70ms

Can you please help with this topic?

Best regards



  • Dear Christopher,

    Did you try setting up like indicated in http://rbwiki.digital-metaphors.com/output/pdf/pdfa3-zugferd/ ?
    On my side, it does work to build a "Factur-X" and the generate PDF/A3b complies with verapdf validator.
  • I apologize for not responding to this thread. This was being handled via email as well.

    ReportBuilder simply provides the PDF/A-3 container for the ZUGFeRD XML invoice. The errors received in the original post dealt with the attached .xml file rather than the PDF.

    That being said, a ZUGFeRD PDF/A-3 file is slightly different from a standard PDF/A-3. The main differences are the metadata entries that define various aspects of the attached invoice.

    Currently ReportBuilder natively supports version 1.0 of these metadata entries. It is possible to use the OnGetMetadata event of the PDF device to manually edit these entries as needed.


    It is on our list of possible enhancements to provide native support for ZUGFeRD 2.x for a future release. (including 2.1.1 with xRechnung compliance).

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Dear support

    we have still problems with the ZUGFeRD 2.X format.

    When we create a new PDF with the RB Version 21.01 there are still some errors:

    <job> <item size="624439"><name>/var/www/zugferd_community/zugferd_checker/uploads/109140.pdf</name> </item> <validationreport profilename="PDF/A-1B validation profile" statement="PDF file is not compliant with Validation Profile requirements." iscompliant="false"> <details passedrules="98" failedrules="5" passedchecks="2950" failedchecks="6"> <rule specification="ISO 19005-1:2005" clause="6.7.9" testnumber="1" status="failed" passedchecks="0" failedchecks="1"> <description>The metadata stream shall conform to XMP Specification and well formed PDFAExtension Schema for all extensions</description> <object>XMPPackage</object> <test>isSerializationValid</test> <check status="failed"> <context>root/document[0]/metadata[0](4 0 obj PDMetadata)/XMPPackage[0]</context> </check> </rule> <rule specification="ISO 19005-1:2005" clause="6.7.3" testnumber="1" status="failed" passedchecks="0" failedchecks="1"> <description>If a document information dictionary does appear at a document, then all of its entries that have analogous properties in predefined XMP schemas, shall also be embedded in the file in XMP form with equivalent values.</description> <object>CosDocument</object> <test>doesInfoMatchXMP</test> <check status="failed"> <context>root</context> </check> </rule> <rule specification="ISO 19005-1:2005" clause="6.1.11" testnumber="2" status="failed" passedchecks="0" failedchecks="1"> <description>A file's name dictionary, as defined in PDF Reference 3.6.3, shall not contain the EmbeddedFiles key</description> <object>CosDocument</object> <test>containsEmbeddedFiles == false</test> <check status="failed"> <context>root</context> </check> </rule> <rule specification="ISO 19005-1:2005" clause="6.7.11" testnumber="1" status="failed" passedchecks="0" failedchecks="1"> <description>The PDF/A version and conformance level of a file shall be specified using the PDF/A Identification extension schema.</description> <object>MainXMPPackage</object> <test>Identification_size == 1</test> <check status="failed"> <context>root/document[0]/metadata[0](4 0 obj PDMetadata)/XMPPackage[0]</context> </check> </rule> <rule specification="ISO 19005-1:2005" clause="6.1.11" testnumber="1" status="failed" passedchecks="0" failedchecks="2"> <description>A file specification dictionary, as defined in PDF 3.10.2, shall not contain the EF key</description> <object>CosFileSpecification</object> <test>containsEF == false</test> <check status="failed"> <context>root/EmbeddedFiles[0]</context> </check> <check status="failed"> <context>root/indirectObjects[15](9 0)/directObject[0]</context> </check> </rule> </details> </validationreport> <duration start="1633945451432" finish="1633945452936">00:00:01.504</duration> </job>

    Can you support us in this topic?

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards
  • Hi Chris,

    What verification software are you using?

    Please create a simple example that I can test with here and send it in .zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com and I'll take a look at what is happening.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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