When using 20.02 still "TraCodeModule not found"
An end-user got the error message below. And when I am searching your forum the solution should be include 'raCodMod' in the uses clause. But this unit is not found, I can not compile. I am using 20.02 PROFESSIONAL (registered). What to do?
exception class : EClassNotFound
exception message : Class TraCodeModule not found.
main thread ($3f48):
004e685d +045 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes ClassNotFound
004fe841 +065 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.FindComponentClass
004fc350 +020 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes CreateComponent
004fc608 +088 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fc8df +08b PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadDataInner
004fc84b +067 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadData
00509f05 +001 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TComponent.ReadState
023db375 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppRelatv TppRelative.ReadState
02836efc +040 PeriFactSA.exe ppClass TppCustomReport.ReadState
004fc69f +11f PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fc8df +08b PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadDataInner
004fc84b +067 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadData
00509f05 +001 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TComponent.ReadState
023db375 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppRelatv TppRelative.ReadState
0241eeb6 +04e PeriFactSA.exe ppPrnabl TppPrintable.ReadState
0283ea32 +076 PeriFactSA.exe ppClass TppComponent.ReadState
004fc69f +11f PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fc8df +08b PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadDataInner
004fc84b +067 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadData
00509f05 +001 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TComponent.ReadState
023db375 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppRelatv TppRelative.ReadState
0283a049 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppClass TppBand.ReadState
004fc69f +1 1f PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fc8df +08b PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadDataInner
004fc84b +067 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadData
00509f05 +001 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TComponent.ReadState
023db375 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppRelatv TppRelative.ReadState
02836efc +040 PeriFactSA.exe ppClass TppCustomReport.ReadState
004fc69f +11f PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fda06 +072 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponents
0274b741 +1b5 PeriFactSA.exe ppTmplat TppTemplate.LoadFromStream
004f5d41 +00d PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TStream.SetPosition
0274b50a +286 PeriFactSA.exe ppTmplat TppTemplate.LoadFromSource
0274b262 +002 PeriFactSA.exe ppTmplat TppTemplate.LoadFromFile
02dee9bb +267 PeriFactSA.exe UPrint 932 +43 TdtmPrint.CreatePrintReportRecord
02dd0dae +
An end-user got the error message below. And when I am searching your forum the solution should be include 'raCodMod' in the uses clause. But this unit is not found, I can not compile. I am using 20.02 PROFESSIONAL (registered). What to do?
exception class : EClassNotFound
exception message : Class TraCodeModule not found.
main thread ($3f48):
004e685d +045 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes ClassNotFound
004fe841 +065 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.FindComponentClass
004fc350 +020 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes CreateComponent
004fc608 +088 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fc8df +08b PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadDataInner
004fc84b +067 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadData
00509f05 +001 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TComponent.ReadState
023db375 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppRelatv TppRelative.ReadState
02836efc +040 PeriFactSA.exe ppClass TppCustomReport.ReadState
004fc69f +11f PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fc8df +08b PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadDataInner
004fc84b +067 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadData
00509f05 +001 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TComponent.ReadState
023db375 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppRelatv TppRelative.ReadState
0241eeb6 +04e PeriFactSA.exe ppPrnabl TppPrintable.ReadState
0283ea32 +076 PeriFactSA.exe ppClass TppComponent.ReadState
004fc69f +11f PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fc8df +08b PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadDataInner
004fc84b +067 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadData
00509f05 +001 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TComponent.ReadState
023db375 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppRelatv TppRelative.ReadState
0283a049 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppClass TppBand.ReadState
004fc69f +1 1f PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fc8df +08b PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadDataInner
004fc84b +067 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadData
00509f05 +001 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TComponent.ReadState
023db375 +005 PeriFactSA.exe ppRelatv TppRelative.ReadState
02836efc +040 PeriFactSA.exe ppClass TppCustomReport.ReadState
004fc69f +11f PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponent
004fda06 +072 PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TReader.ReadComponents
0274b741 +1b5 PeriFactSA.exe ppTmplat TppTemplate.LoadFromStream
004f5d41 +00d PeriFactSA.exe System.Classes TStream.SetPosition
0274b50a +286 PeriFactSA.exe ppTmplat TppTemplate.LoadFromSource
0274b262 +002 PeriFactSA.exe ppTmplat TppTemplate.LoadFromFile
02dee9bb +267 PeriFactSA.exe UPrint 932 +43 TdtmPrint.CreatePrintReportRecord
02dd0dae +
You need to upgrade to RB Enterprise.
RB Enterprise includes the run-time Pascal environment (RAP). These units are prefixed with 'Tra' - such as raCodMod. End-users will need the Designer Calc workspace, to include this add raIDE to the uses (once you upgrade to RB Enterprise.)
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors