Hi Nico, thank you for your answer. But the next problem is the "codeversion" and the "ECC-Level". I have always get a message "Insufficient Code Version /ECC Level. When must I set the code Version? I should work with Binary, ErrorLevel M and the maximum of Data ist 997 Characters. I want to print this data.
It is possible to simply place a TppImage on top of a QRCode in ReportBuilder to get this effect. Below is an example of a QRCode with an image.
- use 2DBarCode to define the QRCode
- use Image to load the logo and size it.
- select both objects and use the align toolbar buttons marked in red to align the horizontal and vertical centers.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
thank you for your answer.
But the next problem is the "codeversion" and the "ECC-Level". I have always get a message "Insufficient Code Version /ECC Level.
When must I set the code Version?
I should work with Binary, ErrorLevel M and the maximum of Data ist 997 Characters.
I want to print this data.
LsData: string;
LsData :=
'SPC' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'0200' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'1' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'CH4431999123000889012' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'S' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'Robert Schneider AG' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'Rue du Lac' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'1268' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'2501' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'Biel' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'CH' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'1976.55' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'CHF' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'S' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'Pia-Maria Rutschmann-Schnyder' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'Grosse Marktgasse' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'28' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'9400' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'Rorschach' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'CH' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'QRR' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'210000000003139471430009017' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'Auftrag vom 15.06.2020' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'EPD' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'//S1/10/10201409/11/200701/20/140.000-53/30/102673831/31/200615/32/7.7/33/7.7:139.40/40/0:30' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'Name AV1: UV;UltraPay005;12345' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
'Name AV2: XY;XYService;54321' + chr(13) + Chr(10) +
//rbbarcode1.barcode := Lsdata;
bc1.Data := LsData;
bc1.QRCodeSettings.CodeVersion := 25;
See the following article on how to enable all QRCode versions.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
now it work's.
Thank you