Bit operations in RAP?
Hi Team,
I use a 32bit integer to hold security info. Each bit represents a Users access to a function, or not.
I want to generate a report that shows what accesses each user has.
To do this I need to be able to test each bit of the integer and return something I can represent on a report.
I can't see any bit type operations in RAP.
Is there some way this can be done please?
Regards & TIA,
I use a 32bit integer to hold security info. Each bit represents a Users access to a function, or not.
I want to generate a report that shows what accesses each user has.
To do this I need to be able to test each bit of the integer and return something I can represent on a report.
I can't see any bit type operations in RAP.
Is there some way this can be done please?
Regards & TIA,
RAP does not natively support bitwise operations. This is something we will consider adding to a later release of the product.
Currently you can easily create a pass-thru function to perform these calculations.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Thanks for that. Can you point me at an example of a pass-thru function pls.
RAP passthru examples can be found in the main RAP demo located in the \Demos\0. RAP\1. Main\ directory. See the following article on where these examples are installed on your machine.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
I am getting there but is something I am missing.
The following is my basic code for the function..
unit myRapFuncs0037;
SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, raFunc, ppRTTI;
TmyBitSetFunction = class (TraIntFunction)
procedure ExecuteFunction(aParams: TraParamList); override;
class function GetSignature: String; override;
{ TmyBitSetFunction.GetSignature }
class function TmyBitSetFunction.GetSignature: String;
Result := 'function BitSet(const Value: Cardinal; const Bit: Byte): Boolean;';
end; {class function, GetSignature}
{ TmyBitSetFunction.ExecuteFunction }
procedure TmyBitSetFunction.ExecuteFunction(aParams: TraParamList);
lbResult: Boolean;
iValue, iBit: Integer;
GetParamValue(0, iValue);
GetParamValue(1, iBit);
lbResult := (iValue and (1 shl iBit)) <> 0;
SetParamValue(1, lbResult);
end; {procedure, ExecuteFunction}
raRegisterFunction('BitSet', TmyBitSetFunction);
This is based on example 31.
It compiles OK and it seems to get into RAP but when I go to the Variable and select Language I get the following error.. "Cannot compile signature for Math function BitSet."
I am suspecting it may be related to "TmyBitSetFunction = class (TraIntFunction)" but I am unsure.
Can you advise please?
Regards & TIA,
Your code looks good! I can see only a couple issues.
1. RAP does not support unsigned types such as Cardinal or Byte. For the purposes of this routine, you will need to declare each parameter as an Integer then possibly check for compatibility in your ExecuteFunction call.
2. Since there are 2 parameters in your function, the result value should be placed into the third parameter. So for your SetParamValue call, you will want to update parameter 2.
Parameter 0: Value
Parameter 1: Bit
Parameter 2: Result
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Done. Works exactly as required.
Many Thanks,