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Important questions before making a decision

edited August 2009 in General
we need to clarify a few more things before we can make a decision, if
ReportBuilder is the right solution for us:

1) Will it be possible to zoom within the designer / workspace soon / at
2) Will it be possible to determine, which paper trays different pages shall
be printed on? I read that it is somehow possible by code, if I'm not wrong,
but most other solutions do support this feature by default.
3) Will it be possible to work with dialogues within the reports? So the
user can create one, which either works as an InputQuery or checks some
fields and asks before printing, if the report shall be printed, even if
some certain data is missing.
4) Will it be possible to work with nested datasources, queries, tables
5) Is it possible to see somewhere, what changes are planned for the future?

Thanks in advance,


  • edited August 2009
    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for considering ReportBuilder!

    1. This feature is currently on our to-do list for a future release.

    2. You are correct, this is possible in code. It is a very simple
    solution. See the following article on how this can be done.


    3. ReportBuilder contains the AutoSearch feature which gives the user a
    dialog to filter the data retrieved. Take a look at the AutoSearch demos
    located in the \Demos\5. AutoSearch\... directory and in the End-User
    application demos \Demos\3. End User\...

    4. This is also possible in the data workspace. It is possible to link
    multiple tables or queries into master/detail relationships as well as join
    multiple tables. Subselects are also supported by DADE. What exactly did
    you have in mind for your application?

    5. We do not publish a list of upcoming features however we take all user
    requests very seriously and encourage suggestions and comments.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2009
    Hi Nico,
    thank you for the info!

    To 1)
    It acutally doesn't help to know, that a feature is planned for one of the
    future realeses, since it can be in 5 years or something like that, but the
    ability to zoom in general is not an absolute key feature (for us), so we
    would be able to live with that. Of course the sooner it's available, the
    better ;)

    To 2)
    The problem with the suggested solution is that the developer has to do it
    by code, especially since he needs to create the settings-dialogue for the
    customer within the application first. Also those settings aren't saved in
    the report as far as I understand it, which is not good also, because
    different people have different requirements for this type of settings.
    Some other solutions offer the ability to determine paper bins by default
    (partly even per page), which is nice. Maybe you can add this as a feature
    request :)

    To 3)
    Not sure if I described it well. I think here we should differ between three
    a) InputQuery for let's say the caption of a label or to execute an action.
    Before print / preview the dialogue appears and depending on what the user
    typed in or clicked on, a text gets changed or an action is executed.
    b) Similar as the point a: before printing a field needs to be checked and
    if it's empty or so, a message appears, where the user can determine, if the
    report shall be printed anyway, not printed or if the current action shall
    be canceled (yes, no, cancel)

    I can't see this feature in the AutoSearch-samples, so the question is, is
    it possible and how?

    There are more examples for the third case:
    c) the ability to control the data within the report (QueryParameters). This
    looks good and can be usefull.

    In all three cases there are some basic problems, though:
    Those dialogues need to be coded at design time and complied with the whole
    application, if I see that correct. So the end-user has no chance to design
    a dialog on his own, because the dialogue is hardcoded in our project. We're
    searching for dialogues which can be stored with the report file and can be
    accessed via RAP.

    We would like to have the ability to determine all this per report, not per
    application. If an end-user wants to have an additional dialog for himself,
    it doesn't mean, that all other end-users want to have that dialog as well.
    Or he wants to see a certain data in the report, he might need his own
    QueryParameters + dialogue. We could also create such user-reports and send
    them to certain customers, but not to all.

    The interaction with the end-user is necessary (can be wished, can be not

    So the question is, what to do here and how?

    One possible solution could be to place the code from those
    AutoSearch-samples within the report (if possible). This would allow to use
    those InputQueries and other dialogues report specific.

    One more problem is the data for InputQueries. In all the
    sample-applications the parameters are for a table / query, which is placed
    on the Delphi form and _not_ within the report itself. This is problematical
    as well, since the control of the data needs to be coded and compiled with
    the whole application.

    Here we come to point 4, actually, since that's what we had in mind mainly.

    To 4)
    I had some difficulties to understand this part, but it looks like the data
    that's available within the report is ODBC based only. Is that right?
    We work with a Firebird database and would like to have the ability to
    access our database or certain tables / fields directly from the report, so
    we can then make use of those InputQueries more flexible and again:
    user-specific / report-specific.
    Either we need direct access with the ability to select those tables /
    fields or the ability to insert a IBOQuery (which we are using) or an
    interface to it, so we can access the data via SQL only.

    Hope that explains a bit better, what we have in mind.

    Thanks for your time,

  • edited August 2009
    Hi Mark,

    2. This is not a built-in feature however I can see how it could be useful
    and we will consider adding something like this to a future release. In the
    meantime you would need to perhaps replace the current print dialog and add
    the feature yourself. The nice thing about ReportBuilder is that all
    dialogs (with the exception of the designer) are completely replaceable
    making customization very easy.

    3a. ReportBuilder 11 includes autosearch parameters. This allows you to
    create a report parameter, require that your user enters a value before the
    report prints, and then allows you to do what you like with it in RAP, DADE,
    etc. In your case you would have your user enter in a value for the
    parameter, then in RAP code you would assign the label value to the value of
    the parameter.

    Label1.Caption := Report.Parameters['MyParam'].Value;

    3b. When there is no data for a pipeline you can use the Report.OnNoData
    event to customize what the end-user sees. See the help topic on the
    TppCustomReport.OnNoData for more information with using this powerful

    3c. The autosearch dialogs are part of the product, so there is no need to
    "code" them unless you would like to create custom dialogs (in which case
    they can be included with your application). Though the autosearch examples
    use Delphi to filter the datasets, it is more likely that you will simply
    use the Autosearch features built into DADE so there is no need for Delphi
    code. If for instance you are creating a query in DADE (data tab) using the
    Query Designer, you can move to the Search tab and create various search
    criteria. Then by simply clicking the "AutoSearch" checkbox, an Autosearch
    field is created and the dataset is automatically filtered without any
    Delphi code needed.

    You are correct in that the end-user designer does not allow the creation of
    custom dialogs from within RB. It is however possible to create custom
    dialogs and access them via RAP code. Take a look at the RAP demos for
    examples of this as well as implementing RAP pass-thru functions which are
    also very useful.

    4. The data access architecture is not limited to a certain connectivity in
    ReportBuilder. We have numerous customers using Firebird successfully with
    IBO. Using the IBO plug-in located in the \Demos\4. End User
    Databases\Interbase\IBO\... directory, you can easily create queries in the
    data workspace that are local to and saved down with the report template.
    It is also possible to edit these queries manually if you would prefer to
    create your queries by hand however this prevents you from using the Query
    Designer to alter the query in the future (for that specific query).

    Let me know if you have any more questions or if you need any more
    information on what was mentioned above.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2009
    Hi Nico,
    I fear not everything is clear yet to me, sorry.

    Sounds good. To replace the current print dialog and add the feature myself
    could be an option, but it would be not that practicable, since the user
    would have to set those options everytime he is printing different reports.
    Ok, we could store the settings maybe...
    However: how can the dialogues be replaced in general? Are there any
    examples about it? Somehow I'm loosing the overview a bit at the moment :)

    Here I meant something different.
    One of the examples: our application will have some fields, which users can
    use individually, if they wish to. One user might need them, an other might
    not. To make it possible for the users, to use those fields and to check the
    content of them before printing, we would like to have an ability to create
    / use dialogues within the report. Because of the individual usage we can't
    create those dialogues within Delphi, since not everyone needs them. Even if
    we would do it and prepare some common dialogues, we would have to compile
    the whole application completely everytime an user needs a new dialogue.
    That's what we want to avoid.

    That's also the reason for the following questions of

    Even if Delphi code is not needed, the datasets (at least in those examples
    you mentioned) are in Delphi, not in the report, so by doing it that way we
    would have to adjust / compile the whole application again, once a change is

    Here you said though, that it's possible to use the Autosearch features
    built into DADE, which is good.

    But as far as I see, I can only _access_ custom dialogues via RAP, if I have
    them as Delphi forms in my application. I didn't see anything in the
    examples, where custom dialogues are _created_ with RAP. Did I miss

    Or do you mean, that the Autosearch features could be used for all those
    needs? If so: how can a dialogues be created, which contains a hint, that
    the field "ABC" is empty and a question, if the report shall be printed
    anyway with 3 buttons (yes / no / cancel) and how to react to the result of
    that dialogue (click on one of those 3 buttons)?

    Unfortunately I can't execute the project in "\Demos\4. EndUser
    Databases\InterBase\4. IB Objects\". It seems to be for Interbase only and
    do not work with Firebird server installed. I'm getting an error, that the
    ODS 11.2 is found in EMPLOYEE.GDB (which can't be for real, since ODS 11.2
    is supported with Firebird 2.5 - available only as a beta so far). Even if I
    install a beta version of Firebird 2.5, the error is still there, though it
    says "ODS found: 11.2; ODS supported: 11.2". So actually it should be ok
    according to the versions, but it still isn't working.


  • edited August 2009
    Hi Mark,

    2. Sorry, this was just a suggestion. There are many ways of going about
    this. What did you have in mind for a more practical way of doing this?

    All dialogs and forms in ReportBuilder have an ancestor class located in the
    ppForms.pas file which then descends from the TppForm class. To replace a
    dialog, you can simply copy the existing one, rename it, and register it
    using the form registration routine ppRegisterForm. If you take a look at
    the initialization section of the ppPDlg.pas file you will see how the
    current Print Dialog is registered.

    A tutorial of ths can be found in the \Tutorials\Complete\II.
    Applications\04. End-User with Custom Explorer\... directory.

    3b. Unfortunately the ability to create new dialogs solely in ReportBuilder
    is not a feature. The best option here would be to create a number of
    "canned" dialogs that may be used by your customers and instantiate them as
    needed. Another would be to write a dialog creation utility that could
    dynamically create a certain dialog based on the user specifications (that
    you provide).

    3c. Sorry if I was unclear about this. In my first reply I mentioned that
    in addition to taking a look at the AutoSearch demos located in the \5.
    AutoSearch\... directory, you should also take a look at the EndUser demo
    located in the \3. End User\... directory. Once you run this demo, you
    will have access to reports that use the AutoSearch feature however do not
    use any Delphi code and no datasets, pipelines, etc. are located on the
    form. You can use the AutoSearch feature completely separate from Delphi.

    This is correct, dialogs cannot be created in RAP, they must first be
    created in Delphi then used in RAP.

    4. The IBO plugin simply uses IBO components to connect to your data, it
    should not matter which DB you are using. Note that by default it tries to
    connect to the Employee.gdb database however it is necessary to create the
    proper tables rbItem, rbFolder, rbTable, rbJoin, in order for the end-user
    app to run correctly. See the ReadMe.doc file.

    It is not necessary to run the example to create IBO queries from within
    ReportBuilder. At runtime you can simply add the daIBO file to your uses
    clause to register the plugin, then from the data workspace you should be
    able to connect to an IBOConnection and create queries as you need.

    I highly suggest you spend some time working through the DADE tutorials
    located in the Developer's Guide so you can gain a stronger understanding of
    how this part of the product can be used.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2009

    1. Paper Trays

    The Report.PrinterSetup property can be used to control the paper tray. If
    you want a single report to print to multiple trays, you can use Subreports
    set to PrintBehavior pbSection. Each 'Section' can reprsenent a page.
    Section subreports can have their own PrinterSetup properties that are
    different from the main report. They can even print as a separate print job
    to a different printer.

    2. Dialogs and Extending RAP

    If you need to define and use custom dialogs, I recommend extending RAP with
    some custom utility functions that accomplish what you need. One of the most
    powerful features of RAP is that you can easily extend it with custom


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2009
    Hi Nico,

    No need to say "sorry". It wasn't meant as critique or so :)
    Each suggestion helps and show new options. I was just thinking loud and
    compared it with the solution, which I mentioned as a feature request
    earlier (where you agreed to as well). Compared to this the last suggestion
    is less practical, but still a possibility, so keep suggesting / commenting
    please :)

    Thank you for your hints and advices to this part. It wasn't that clear
    before your last reply, what sould be done and that all this is available /
    possible at all, sorry.
    I was able to use the IBO-Plugin for DADE now, tried a few things with it. I
    also did some experiments with the AutoSearch-feature and with the custom
    functions added to RAP module to show some custom forms or dialogues. That
    covers questions 3 and 4 I had.

    Most questions about this part are more or less clear now, I think, though I
    have some new, which follow now:

    I'm testing all this on a virtual machine at the moment. At least there I
    have an issue with the DataView classes when trying to open a project, which
    contains them. The message "Class TdaIBOQueryDataView not found. [...]"
    appears (for each DataView I have). When I click "cancel", the project isn't
    loaded and I'm getting this message everytime I try to open the project
    next. Once I click on "ignore" and my project is opened (without the classes
    / DataViews), I can close it and the next attempts to open it are all
    successful as long as Delphi is not restarted.
    Any idea what is wrong?

    Within the Query Designer all tables of my database are available and so are
    all field of each table. I would like to have the ability to show certain
    tables / fields only, since the user may not see everything.
    Exactly this seems to be accomplished with the custom dataview templates,
    right? They are defined by me and are just added in the form how I defined
    Is it correct to say, that they are the same as the result of the Query
    Designer just with the difference, that I do define them in one case and the
    user does define them himself via the Query Designer in the other case
    through accessing all the tables and fields?

    If so, then I see two "problems" here:
    - In that case I would have to add as many custom dataview templates as I
    want to make visible to the end user and the same for fields per table. This
    would still be ok, though what about the AutoSearch criteria? What about
    I added the units myDataVw, myQueryDatavw and dvDesign from the example
    project to my project and even if I set the "searchable" parameter for the
    "AddSelectField" procedure, I still see that dialogue from dvDesign with
    only 3 fields for search and 3 fields for sorting (without labels, btw.).
    What am I doing wrong?
    Luckily I found out then, that it seems to be possible to use the same
    dialogue, as it is in the Query Designer, where all this can be defined
    easily (also parameters) by using myQueryDatavw.

    Well, at least I see the defined fields from that certain table in the new
    DataView, but I can't click on the button "tables", since an error occurs
    (Unknown database Alias: IB_Connection1 [...]).
    Also I wanted to remove some of the fields in "procedure
    TdvCustomerQuery.DefineSelectedFields;" to see, if I really can determine
    them and here I get an error "Engine-config file not found [...]".

    I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I don't find a way to check those
    last few things out.

    - If the first problem can be solved somehow and custom DataView templates
    are really the way to go, if I want to allow access to certain tables /
    fields only, then there still has to a possibility to "remove" / deactivate
    the "full" Query Designer / Query Wizard, so the user don't have access to
    all the tables / fields.

    How can this be done?

    If I have a DatePipeline on my Delphi form and have some DataViews within
    DADE, I see them all in the DataTree on the designer page, but the Pipeline
    is not available in DADE, so I can't use the AutoSearch feature for it *from
    the report*. Sure, since the pipeline is on the form, the DataSource and
    DataSet will be there as well, so it's possible to create the AutoSearch
    fields in Delphi, but I was just wondering, if there is a reason, that the
    pipelines aren't available in DADE. It could make sense to use them there as

    Within the Query Designer it's possible to use parameters. Values for them
    can either be requested via those autosearch fields or be assigned directly
    without the dialogue. The problem I see here is, that *all* parameters are
    visible here in the combobox. This is problematical, since not all
    parameters assigned to the report will be supposed to be used for the
    "control" of the DataViews. There is a property "Enabled" in the
    AutoSearchSettings of the parameter, though it only says, if the AutoSearch
    dialogue shall appear or not. If not, then the value will be assigned
    directly, which makes sense.
    So actually an additional property is needed to allow to control, which
    parameters shall be visible within the Query Designer.
    Possible solutions:
    - a per-parameter property "VisibleWithinQueryDesigner" (true / false)
    - a per-parameter property "ParameterType" as a combobox ("ReportParameter"
    and "AutoSearchParameter"). After selecting of the second,
    AutoSearchSettings become available
    - two different parameter lists "ReportParameter" and "AutoSearchParameter"

    In my opinion this is important and should be possible in some way.

    As far as I see, the operators within the Query Designer are not complete or
    the descriptions of the autosearch dialogues are not correct.
    Example: I create the following searchfield: "PHONE_NO like '234'".

    The SQL shows "[...] WHERE (CUSTOMER_1.PHONE_NO LIKE '234%')" and the
    AutoSearch dialogue says "[...] PHONE_NO starting with 234". Both is not
    exactly what the "like" operator means, I think. Here the "starting with"
    operator would be better.

    While it's possible to accomplish the correct "like" criteria at least
    within the Query Designer -> "PHONE_NO like '%234%'" so the SQL says "[...]
    WHERE (CUSTOMER_1.PHONE_NO LIKE '%234%')", the AutoSearch dialogue still
    says "[...] PHONE_NO starting with %234%", which is not correct and is
    irritating for the end user, I think.

    Maybe somehting can be done here too.

    It would be nice, if the Query Designer would store the column widths or
    adjust them to the content automatically.

    As I mentioned above, I did some experiments with custom functions for
    showing of custom dialogues. It worked so far, though I have one case right
    now, where I still didn't find a solution.

    I'm showing a question (Application.MessageBox in Delphi) via using of the
    custom function I created for this. In the message I show 3 buttons: yes,
    no, cancel.
    The end user shall be able to look at the report in the preview without
    getting this message, but once he wants to print it or so, one or several
    fields shall be checked (within the report) for certain values and in case
    the values are not correct, the mentioned question shall appear. If the user
    says, that he wants to print the report anyway, the print dialog shall
    appear. If he says "no", the printer dialogue shall not appear (or be closed
    if it's already there), but the user shall stay within the preview. If he
    says "cancel", the same shall happen as if he says "no", but additionally
    the preview shall be closed.

    So I have my custom forms / dialogues in Delphi and call them via those
    pass-through functions as you suggested, but I need to handle the result of
    this within the report and in that case I'm looking for proper events and
    methods to do so.

    How can this be done?

    ReportBuilder seems to not to offer a Thumbnail-Preview as FastReports or
    other products do. Did I miss anything here or is this feature not
    If it isn't: it's a very usefull feature and it would be nice to see it
    implemented soon.

    Also I don't see a possibility to scroll the ppViewer placed on my form /
    frame. Within the default previewform it's possible, though.
    Why not in ppViewer as well?

    Sorry for the length of the message,

  • edited August 2009
    Thanks Nard,
    I will take a look into this option for paper trays.

    Other than that: I just replied to Nico's message about other "issues" /
    questions. And point 2 is handled there as well.


  • edited August 2009
    An addition to 3c:

    I tried to work with TdaIBOQueryDataView afterwards instead of the
    TdaBDEQueryTemplateDataView, which is used in both units I copied from the
    demo project.

    Both classes are different. There are no procedures like
    "DefineSelectedFields" in TdaIBOQueryDataView etc.
    Do I have to add all this manually or does the IBO plugin work different
    than the BDE plugin (aside from specific differences between BDE and IBO)?

    Also: the ReadMe.doc file says something about "daIBODB.pas", which is
    supposed to be located in the ..\RBuilder\Demos\EndUser
    Databases\Interbase\IBO directory.
    I only see the "daIBO.pas" there. Is the ReadMe file not correct or am I
    missing an unit?
  • edited August 2009

    3a. Error message "Class TdaIBOQueryDataView not found"

    This error indicates that IBO-Plugin for DADE is not present. If you are
    testing at run-time, you need to include daIBO in the uses clause of your
    application. If testing at Delphi design-time, the relevant package must be
    installed. Also note that the newer Delphi IDE's have optimized package
    loading that has to be overridden to force the IDE to always load the
    plug-in. This required us to re-design the plug-ins. I just checked and the
    IBO plug-in has not been updated. See RBuilder\Source\dclRBIBExxyy and
    rbIBExxyy packages as an example.

    3b. Control which tables and fields are displayed by the Query Designer.

    Use the TppDataDictionary component to control this. See the EndUser
    Appilcation tutorials section of the Developers Guide. Also see the
    Demos\EndUser\AutoJoin example. You can define which tables and fields are
    visible and assign user-friendly aliases. You can also pre-define common
    join/linking conditions.

    3c. Two different types of data access: External DataPipelines that reside
    on a form/datamodule and DADE.

    These are two completely different approaches. DADE is a RAD solution for
    managing the query building, autosearch, and also master/detail linking. Use
    DADE. :)

    Within DADE you build QueryDataViews. The QueryDataView has a TdaSQL object
    that generates the SQL text command. The QueryDataView internally creates
    and manages the DataPipeline/DataSource/DataSet.

    With external DataPipelines you have to manually generate your own SQL,
    manually define your own AutoSearch fields. For an example see

    To hide External DataPipelines from the report designer set
    DataPipeline.Visible to False.

    3d. Optionally hide Parameters from the Query Designer

    Thanks for the feedback. Might consider for RB 12.

    3e. AutoSearch Like operator.

    This is working as designed. To change it would break thousands and
    thousands of existing reports. The autosearch description and SQL generation
    are consistent. It searches for 'start's with'. You are correct in that the
    SQL Like operator can be used in other ways.

    3f. QueyDesigner save/restore column widths for each page

    Thanks for the feedback. Will add this to the list of requested features.
    Currently only the size of the form is save/restored.

    4. Control whether user can print from Preview form

    Slight re-ordering of what you describe, but one option would be to use the
    Report.OnPrintDialog close event to check whether the user pressed 'OK'
    button. Then display your dialog and take action accordingly.

    This example code would prevent the user from ever printing. When the user
    presses OK, this code overrides the PrintDialog.ModalResult to act like
    Cancel was pressed.

    if Report.PrintDialog.ModalResult = 1 then
    Report.PrintDialog.ModalResult := 2;

    If this is something you want to do for many of your reports you could
    create a custom Preview Plug-in (see your question 6 below) and override the
    Print method which is called when the user pressed the Print button.

    5. Thumbnails / Outline TreeView / Text Search / Email

    Rather than thumbnails, RB has a different, but very useful navigation
    feature. There is an Outline feature which can produce a treeview of nodes
    that contain either pages or captions with group information. From the
    Report Designer select Report | Outline Settings... from the main menu.
    (Thumbnails is something we may add in the future. )

    TextSearch is another useful navigation feature. It enables the user to
    search for text within the report. See Report | TextSearch Settings from the
    main menu of the Report Designer.

    Email is another cool feature. See Report.EmailSettings.

    6. Scroll Preview?

    I do not understand the question. What are you trying to accomplish? Rather
    than the Viewer, you might want to create an instance of the Preview Plugin.
    Here is an rbWiki example. The Preview Plugin is a class that manages the
    viewer, toolbar, and other UI elements. It is used by the built-in Preview
    form and by the Report Designer Preview page. As the name suggest, you can
    create a custom descendant of the preview plugin and register it for use
    with RB.


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2009
    Hi Nard,
    thank you for your detailed reply!

    Of course I still have some questions :)

    3a. Error message "Class TdaIBOQueryDataView not found"

    Package is installed and daIBO is included. The reason must be Delphi's
    optimized package loading. I checked the Source-directory and didn't found
    those packages you mentioned (dclRBIBExxyy and rbIBExxyy). Might the trial
    version be the reason? If so: then I can't try this out at the moment.

    3b. Control which tables and fields are displayed by the Query Designer.

    In the demos it was possible to control this in TdaBDEQueryTemplateDataView.
    Is there a reason, why it's not possible with TdaIBOQueryDataView, so the
    DataDictionary has to be used in that case?

    DataDictionary and it's usage looks a bit complicated, but is probably a
    question of practice.

    Most important question here at the moment: what do I do, if I want to use
    aliases in different languages depending on the language of my application?
    Is there a way to get this working?

    Then some feedback to the Data Dictionary Builder:
    once I opened it the first time the column widths n the "fields" tab were
    high, so not all columns were visible and I had to scroll. Once I begin to
    do so, the selected row isn't in "edit-modus" anymore, but I still can edit
    it by clicking on it. Once the column "TABLE_NAME" isn't visible anymore
    (scrolled out of the visible area), the row can't be edited anymore. A click
    on just doesn't make anything in that case. So the form needs to be
    maximized, column widths to be reduced until everything is visible.
    Maybe an edit form with all the options would be good.

    Also: it's possible to click onto ok-button of the Query Designer, if a
    table is selected, but not field. In that case an "ugly" SQL error message
    appears, which doesn't say much to the user and only scares him :)
    Maybe the ok button oculd be disabled until all needed selections are made?

    3c. Two different types of data access: External DataPipelines that reside
    on a form/datamodule and DADE.

    Looks like I will have to use both variants.
    Question1: I have a report with some DataViews where a field X and/or table
    Y are used. What happens, if this field and/or table had to be deleted /
    renamed in my database? Will the DataView cause an error then? Do I have to
    update all reports using such DataViews in that case?

    Question2: is it possible to update report using DataViews? If so: how? Can
    DataViews be added / removed / changed at runtime?

    3e. AutoSearch Like operator.

    Isn't it possible here to at least adjust the autosearch description
    depending on the way the like-operator is used?
    "starting with S", if it is used like "like S%" or
    "containing S", if it is used like "like %S%".

    This would require much less trouble, wouldn't it?

    4. Control whether user can print from Preview form

    Printing and the whole case I described, was just an example. There are
    surely many other cases where something like this could usefull.
    In general it's about to be able to show custom forms and dialogues /
    messages (this is working), about the events which should be used for calls
    of those custom forms / dialogues (this is partly clear) and about the
    methods to use to execute certain actions (cancel printing, close the
    preview etc.). All this from the report, not from Delphi.

    In my example the printdialog would be already one step too far. I would
    like to react, before it's showed and depending on the option the user used
    in the dialogue either show the printdialog or not or even to close the
    So something like BeforePrintdialogShow / ClosePreview or CloseDesigner
    (again: from RAP).

    It's difficult to describe, so it's automatically difficult for you to
    reply, I guess.

    If thumbnails would be implemented, it would be nice. Othern than that all
    "concerns" and questions I had those two points are covered so far with your
    tip about the Preview Plugin, thanks!

    One note to it: the demo project attached to that Wiki entry is missing the
    TForm1.FormDestroy event (see the code in the Wiki entry), which leads to an
    error when closing the preview / form.

    Kind regards,
  • edited August 2009
    Hi Mark,


    Yes, the source code is not included with the trail version. These files
    are included with a registered version. We are constantly trying to keep
    our demos up to date and I will add these files to the next release of
    ReportBuilder for the IBO demo.

    The TdaBDEQueryTemplateDataView is used to hard code the table/field names.
    This is much less efficient and more difficult that simply using the
    DataDictionary to control everything on the fly.

    The IBO plug-in is not as refined as the BDE or ADO plugins in that we have
    added the groundwork for these custom dataviews. The registered version of
    ReportBuilder gives access to these plugins and would allow you to see how
    it can be done for the IBO plugin as well. Regardless I recommend sticking
    to the DataDictionary.

    Yes, by using multiple DataDictionaries.

    Thanks for the feedback on the DataDictionary. The DataDictionary is a
    simplistic utility never to be seen by the end-user. It is generally meant
    to be used by the developer as an easy way to determine what the end-user
    sees when designing/editing a report (which is why it is not as refined as
    other parts of the product).

    QueryDesigner: Thanks for the suggestion, we will consider adding something
    like this to a later release. Although you are correct and there should not
    be any "ugly" errors shown, the QueryDesigner is primarily intended to be
    used by a person that is familiar with SQL code and Database manipulation.
    The Query Wizard was designed to be used by users that have no DB


    You should not have to use both variants. If you are altering the actual
    tables in your database, you will need to perform these actions in Delphi
    however as far as data access, everything that can be done on the form, can
    also be done in DADE, there is no need to have pipelines on the form and in
    DADE for the same application.

    Question1: If you go in and change the actual table names/field names in
    your database, the DataViews will no longer function correctly. This is the
    same as if you had a SQL statement accessing certain fields and tables, then
    you changed those names. The SQL statement (in Delphi or RB would no longer
    function and would need to be recreated).

    Question2: Yes, this can be done using the TdaSQLBuilder object. See the
    topic in the RB Help and the following articles for examples and


    3e, 4, 5, 6

    Thanks for the feedback. We will consider these changes for a later


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2009
    Hi Nico,
    once again thank you very much for your help!

    A lot of stuff to think about, but I think it looks good.

    Only one last question (so far):

    3b. Control which tables and fields are displayed by the Query Designer.
    Here you say, that it's possible to use different languages depending on the
    language of the application by using of multiple DataDictionaries.

    What exatly does it mean? If we have 10 languages, do we have to create 30
    tables (3 per lanugage)?

    Kind regards,
  • edited August 2009
    Hi Mark,

    If you had 10 different languages, you would need 10 separate
    DataDictionaries. The easiest way to do this would be to place as many
    dictionary objects on the form as languages you have
    (ppDataDictionaryEnglish, ppDataDictionaryGerman, etc.) Each dictionary
    will access the same table(s) and define the table and field aliases in
    their separate language translation.

    Then when a report is loaded, you can check the preferred language and
    assign the proper dictionary to the designer object.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2009
    Hi Nico,
    sorry, but somehow I don't see how this is going to work.

    I tried this with 2 DataDictionaries now. But once I change a TableAlias and
    / or FieldAlias within one DD, I see the change in the other DD as well. The
    entries in the tables rb_field, rb_table, rb_join are being updated instead
    of being added for each DD (what I would expect after reading of your

    I don't know what I still am doing wrong, but at the moment I don't see how
    this should work. Reading of the documentation didn't help :(


  • edited September 2009
    Hi Mark,

    Are you connecting both DataDictionaries to the same Table, Field, and Join
    tables? Note that each DataDictionary will need to have its own tables to
    store and use separate data.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2009
    Hi Nico,

    I'm connecting to only 3 tables in my database, which I created for the
    DataDictionary usage.
    As you might remember or as you can see, if you scroll down, that was my
    first question, when I asked about how to use the DataDictionary. I asked,
    if I need to create those 3 tables for each language I have. That would be
    30 tables for all 10 languages.
    Your reply was "[...]Each dictionary will access the same table(s) and
    define the table and field aliases in their separate language
    translation.[...]", so I thought that it's not necessary to create that many
    tables, but that seems to be not correct now, right?

    This would be a not very nice and practicable solution in my opinion, if the
    developers have to create that many tables. That's almost more tables than
    we have in our complete database :)

    Maybe it is a good idea to add a "language"-field to all 3 tables and to
    modify the DataDictionary builder accordingly, so it can define and store
    the table and field aliases per language in the same table? Or something
    like that...


  • edited September 2009
    Hi Mark,

    I apologize, I must have misuderstood your initial query. The
    DataDictionary is designed to store its information inside the "Table",
    "Field", and "Join" tables created by the developer.

    Thanks for the feedback. We will take it into consideration for a later


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2009
    Hi Nico, hi Nard,
    thank you very much for all your help!

    Since a while your company has a new customer :)
    While the product itself still has some weak points, most of our questions
    and issues got resolved with the help of your really great support! That's
    an other important factor and helped us a lot to make the decision.

    Keep up the good work!


  • edited September 2009
    Hi Mark,

    Great news! Thank you for the kind words and we look forward to helping you
    in the future.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.