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dynamic instantiation of ppTableGrid

edited April 2015 in General
I am about to begin redisigning a large collection of reports which
were build in RB12 on D2007. I expect the TableGrid to play a major
role in the new designs.

I have RB15 in an XE5 VM, and although I have done well with the
TablreGrid in the Report Designer, I am running into difficulties at
every turn in trying to use it dynamically. I find no mention of it in
any of the demo or tutorial code, either.

I instantiate a grid, and I see that the grid, the column objects and
row objects have been created. However, there are no ppTableCell
objects, although I do see this if I place a TableGrid in the report in
the designer.

Is there a demo available for the demonstration of the TableGrid?

Thanks, Bill


  • edited April 2015
    Hi Bill,

    Take a look a the help topic in the RB help for TppTableGrid. This
    gives a number of useful routines for creating and manipulating
    TableGrid components in code.

    You can use the Rows.Add and Columns.Add routines to create new table
    cells. Then access each individual cell using the Cells property.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2015

    I did look at the help topic, in the CHM file. The HxS help is not
    installed, and I am not clear on how to do that with the JS file I see

    I find no examples in the CHM file, and most of the topics other than
    the major classes are just stubs. That's why I asked here, as you have
    always been good with replies.

    Perhaps the HxS help is more complete?


  • edited April 2015
    Can you instruct me how to install the HxS help?


  • edited April 2015
    Hi Bill,

    You can manually install the Help2 (HxS) help using the
    RBHelpInstaller.exe application located in the \RBuilder\Help\...
    directory. Be sure to run the application as an administrator.

    From there you should be able to access the ReportBuilder Reference
    from the XE5 help. There are a number of code snips available for each
    of the TableGrid properties including TppTableRows and TppTableColumns.

    When creating a TTableGrid in code, no cells are automatically added.
    In the designer, 3 rows and 3 columns are automatically added for
    convenience. In code, you will need to manually add any rows or columns
    before accessing the cell objects.

    lTableGrid: TppTableGrid;

    lTableGrid := TppTableGrid.Create(Self);
    lTableGrid.Band := ppReport1.DetailBand;

    lTableGrid.RowCount := 1;
    lTableGrid.ColCount := 2;

    lTableGrid.Cells[0,0].Brush.Color := clRed;
    lTableGrid.Cells[0,1].Brush.Color := clBlue;



    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2015
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    The RBHelpInstaller only offers up to Delphi2012, which I believe was
    XE2? And it does not complete.

  • edited April 2015
    Hi Bill,

    Be sure you are using the RBHelpInstaller.exe located in your
    ReportBuilder 15 installation folder. If you are using the one
    installed with RB 12, your version of Delphi will not be included.

    I just checked the RBHelpInstaller with my installation of RB 15 and XE5
    is included.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2015
    Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    Thanks, Nico. Someone else in the office builds the VMs we use, so I
    will have to check that with him. I will also remind him, as he is
    about to install RB15 into our XE7 VM.
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