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Possible Serious Bug RB6

edited July 2001 in General
RB6 Enterprise Hangs the Delphi 6 IDE if you do following:

1 - Create a new project.
2 - Save the newly created project somewhere.
3 - Put a TppReport to the form
4 - Open the report designer.
5 - Insert a TppLabel , or a TppDbtext or any Printable comp to any Band.
6 - Save now again the project from the delphi IDE
7 - Leave one of the Inserted Printable component Selected at the Report
Builder Designer.
8 - Close the Report Builder Designer.

Now you get a AV!

After many hours of searching , I think I found what produces this AV at the
delphi IDE. It is at the ppDsgner.pas Unit at rbIDE66.dpk. At the
InternalClose procedure I commented out the line:

//if FDesignTime and FFreeOnClose then Release;

and now it works fine !. Well... any comments would be appreciated.



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