I have two regions on the detail band. I would like to know how to keep both regions printed on the same page. Sometimes I have region1 printer on the bottom of one page and region2 on the next page. How do I keep the regions on the same page?
Nested regions aren't supported. Can you put all the components from the two regions into a single region? You may look into using a subreport to print the regions. The subreport can be set to KeepTogether = True. I don't know if you have any other controls in the detail band, but you may also be able to create a group on each detail band that is set to KeepTogether = True. You can hide the group header and footer bands in this case.
two regions into a single region? You may look into using a subreport to
print the regions. The subreport can be set to KeepTogether = True. I don't
know if you have any other controls in the detail band, but you may also be
able to create a group on each detail band that is set to KeepTogether =
True. You can hide the group header and footer bands in this case.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
Try this, select the Region2 component, change the following properties
in the Object Inspector:
KeepTogether = False
ShiftRelativeTo = Region1
Take care,
Emeria : )