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TppDPTeeChart: How can I fill in the property YValues.Valuesource for a TBarSeries

edited May 2002 in General
I updated a report with a TeeChart component from Delphi 5 to 6.0
I am using ReportBuilder 6.03, TeeChart Pro 5.02

I had to remove the Teechart component from the report, to be able to
convert to Delphi 6.

Now, I am trying to put this component back on my report in Delphi 6.0.
But I am not able to assign a value to the property YValues.Valuesource

In the original .dfm file the following properties where set for a serie
Datasource = qryRapport
XLabelsSource = 'grafnaam'
YValues.ValueSource = 'GebrKm'

It seems that I have to assign a TBDEPipeline to the property Datasource
instead of a TQuery.
When I do so, I am able to select the XLabelsSource (via the edit 'labels'
on the tab Series - Datasource)
The drop down boxes for 'X' and 'Bar' (I assume that this is the property
YValues.Valuesource) remain EMPTY.

This means that I am not able to assign a value to the property
Are there other properties that need to be set to be able to fill in these
values ???

I have the same problem with a TFastLineSeries. Here I am not able to
assign a value to the properties XValues.ValueSource and

Thanks in advance,


I added a part of the .dfm of my original report (before I converted to
Delphi 6.0).

object ppDbTeeChartP: TppDBTeeChart
UserName = 'DbTeeChartP'
mmHeight = 175948
mmLeft = 529
mmTop = 8996
mmWidth = 283634
BandType = 4
object ppDBTeeChartControl1: TppDBTeeChartControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 400
Height = 250
Title.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
Title.Font.Color = clBlue
Title.Font.Height = -19
Title.Font.Name = 'Arial'
Title.Font.Style = []
Title.Text.Strings = (
LeftAxis.Automatic = False
LeftAxis.AutomaticMaximum = False
LeftAxis.AutomaticMinimum = False
LeftAxis.ExactDateTime = False
View3D = False
BevelOuter = bvNone
Color = clWhite
object Series1: TBarSeries
Marks.ArrowLength = 20
Marks.Visible = False
DataSource = qryRapport
SeriesColor = clRed
Title = 'Gebruikte kunstmest'
XLabelsSource = 'grafnaam'
XValues.DateTime = False
XValues.Name = 'X'
XValues.Multiplier = 1
XValues.Order = loAscending
YValues.DateTime = False
YValues.Name = 'Bar'
YValues.Multiplier = 1
YValues.Order = loNone
YValues.ValueSource = 'GebrKm'


  • edited May 2002
    We have to change how the ownership of the controls in Delphi 6 in order to
    keep the Object Tree View from showing every embedded object. In doing this
    for DADE, we changed the Teechart wrapper so that the embedded objects are
    not surfaced on the dfm level. You'll have to reference the TeeChart
    properties as you normally would through the Teechart object, via the Chart
    property on the wrapper ppDPTeeChart object.



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.