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Coloring a Memo

edited July 2002 in General
I know with a richtext this can be done, but is there any way to have

different lines in a memo be a different color? I load a tppmemo at

run time with events from a game and would like all away games for
example to be red and home games be blue. Can this be done without
having to switch to a richtext?


  • edited July 2002
    This is more easily done in RichText. The memo won't support multiple

    The only other way to do this without the rich text component is to
    dynamically create TppDrawText objects (one for each line of memo text) and
    set the font color on the DrawText command. You can access the lines of teh
    memo after it has generated in the band by using the OnDrawCommandCreate
    event to get a handle to the draw command on the page which is create for
    the memo. Then you'll need to use the Report.OnEndPage event to loop
    through the draw commands which have been created for the page. I would
    stick them in a TList in the OnDrawCommandCreate events, so you can quickly
    get at them at the end of the page in case more than one memo prints on a
    page. Then you can read the draw commands TList at the end of each page and
    pull out the lines by reading the property WrappedText which is a TStrings.
    Then just create TppDrawText object and assign the page. Here is a demo of
    dynamically creating draw commands for a page. You'll want to take the
    memo's top, left,width and height ot figure out where on the page to start
    creating the darw commands. Once all of the draw text commands have been
    created, you can free the memo DrawText commands form the page.



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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