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Displaying An Image At 100 Percent in the Previewer

edited January 2003 in General
A while back, I asked how I could insure that an image (a map) could
be displayed at 100 percent in the previewer in order to avoid the
degredation that occurs when windows resizes a bitmap. Turns out to
be pretty easy, so I thought I'd pass it along.

ppImage1 is the report image and has already been set to some size for
the report.
myBmp is the bitmap that is being assigned to ppImage1

if the report is being measure in inches

if ppReport1.Printerdevice = nil then begin
ZoomPct := (myBmp.Height / Screen.PixelsPerInch) / ppImage1.Height;
ppReport1.PreviewFormSettings.ZoomPercentage := Round(ZoomPct *
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