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New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2


edited May 2003 in General
Spoke with someone who uses ReportGenerator from Access. I am trying to
convince him to write in Delphi using Report Builder. What do you
suggest I say?



  • edited May 2003

    The article below gives the full feature list of ReportBuilder along with
    some reasons to use our product. Also, some time ago (as a training
    exercise to learn Delphi and ReportBuilder) I made a small application that
    created all the Northwind Reports in ReportBuilder. Northwind is the sample
    database included with Access and there are 14 sample reports included,
    built with ReportGenerator. This may also be a good way to show how RB is
    able to do everything ReportGenerator can plus more. If you think this will
    help, send an e-mail to support@digital-metaphors.com and I'll send you a

    ReportBuilder was voted Best Reporting Tool and Product of the Year for the
    past 4 years, 1999-2002 Delphi Informant Readers Choice awards.


    If you are evaluating reporting tools for Delphi, you owe it to yourself to
    evaluate ReportBuilder. We have a trial version available from our website
    at www.digital-metaphors.com which is fully functional and offers extensive

    The quality, simplicity and power is unmatched by any other reporting
    solution available.

    I. RB Standard features:

    1. ReportDesigner Easy to use, high quality, includes
    report wizards and drag and drop tools
    for quickly creating reports.

    2. Delphi integration RB can be used within the Delphi IDE
    and is very "Delphi like." You can code
    event-handlers to control the report and
    perform calcualtions etc.

    4. Report templates Save report definitions to .rtm files or
    to a database BLOB field. This enables
    you to store the report layout definition
    outside of the .exe and load the reports
    as needed.

    5. Subreports ReportBuilder's implementation of free
    form subreports enable developers to
    model complexity in an elegant
    understandable manner. Once you learn
    the fundamentals of Child, Section, and
    Fixed style subreport you can combine
    them in numerous ways. Check out our
    demo projects for some examples.

    Using free form subreports you can truly
    break the boundaries of what is referred
    to as simple banded reports and do things
    like print forms and print multiple detail
    listings side by side.

    6. Regions A region is a container for other objects-
    similar to a TPanel in Delphi.

    7. Stretchables In ReportBuilder you can easily define
    dynamic relationships amongst stretching
    objects such as memos, richtext, subreports,
    and regions by specifying a ShiftRelativeTo
    property value.

    8. TeeChart support Enable TeeChart to be used inside the Report

    9. DataPipeline Includes DBPipeline for use with any TDataSet
    descendant, TextPipeline that can access data
    stored in ASCII files, and JITPipeline for
    custom event driven access. Create custom
    datapipelines for accessing data in
    proprietary formats.

    10. Output Devices Extensible output format architecture.
    Includes Screen, Printer, Archive,
    TextFile, and Formatted Text.
    Surf www.waler.com and www.pragnaan.com
    for add on devices which support
    HTML, RTF, PDF, Excel, etc.

    11. Archiving Print reports to archive files (.raf).
    Then use our ArchiveReader component
    to print and preview from the archived files.

    12. Developers Guide Over 400 pages containing conceptual
    information for modeling reports and
    step by step tutorials for building a
    variety of reports.

    13. Demos Extensive set of demo reports that
    serve as examples.

    II. RB Professional features:

    Everything in ReportBuilder Standard plus:

    Crosstab component Display calculated values in a
    multi-dimensional format. Includes
    a crosstab wizard and a drag-and-drop
    editor. Define any number of row,
    column, and value dimensions.

    Data Access Environment (DADE) Adds a new 'Data' to the Report
    Designer. Enables developers and
    end-users to visually design and
    preview SQL queries.

    Ask at Runtime support Use the Query tools to define
    AutoSearch parameters. RB Pro
    will then display an
    "Ask at Runtime" dialog
    to the user.

    End-User Report Designer Deploy an interface your users
    already know.

    Report Explorer Allow end-users to manage
    reports and data with a Windows
    Explorer style interface.

    Report Wizard Create new reports with a
    few clicks of the mouse.

    Query Wizard Create new data with a
    few clicks of the mouse.

    Query Designer Create and modify complex queries.

    Data Dictionary Use the Data Dictionary
    component to display user
    friendly table and field
    aliases to your end-users.

    Tutorials Step by step instructions for
    putting it all together.

    III. RB Enterprise features:
    Everything in ReportBuilder Professional plus:

    Run-time Pascal Environment Report Application Pascal (RAP)
    is ReportBuidler's run-time Pascal
    development environment! RAP
    enables the entire report
    definition (Data, Calculations,
    and Layout) to be stored outside
    of the application executable.
    Using RAP, developers and
    end-users can code calculations
    and event-handlers without Delphi.
    RAP is extensible - which means
    developers can easily register
    their own built-in functions
    and objects to meet specific
    requirements. (Source code to
    RAP compiler is not included.)

    ReportBuilder was voted Product of the Year and Best Reporting Tool
    in the 1999-2002 Delphi Informant Readers Choice Awards!

    R E P O R T B U I L D E R W E B L I N K S

    You can download a trial version from:


    Ordering info is available at


    With the trial version you can create reports just as you would with the
    registered version, the only limitations are max of 5 pages of output for
    any report and if you print to the printer, our company info will print on
    the page also.

    For a quick look at what ReportBuilder is capable of run the demos:

    1. RBuilder Pro\Demos\Reports\Demo.dpr - contains over 70 sample reports
    that show the various cabalities of the product. Serves as a great learning
    tool also.

    2. RBuilder Pro\Demos\EndUser\EndUser.dpr - contains a complete,
    professional end-user reporting solution including a report explorer, query
    wizard, query designer, and report wizard. You can build a complete end-user
    solution with no coding required.

    Demos and Tutorials are included.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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