I have an ppLabel1 field. This is the description associated with a key value. How and where (which event) do I set the caption of the ppLabel1 field to blank when it's associated key value's SuppressRepeatedValues = true
You will need to use the DetailBand.BeforePrint event to successfully suppress any other object while suppressing a DBText value. There is also a bit more to it than that. Here is a good example of suppressing other report objects when a DBText is also being suppressed. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the clear example. I replaced the TppShape with a TppRegion component because I have an ID (the table's key) with an associated Description field (looked up from another table via the ID). So when the ID is blanked out I also want the Description blanked out.
You will need to use the DetailBand.BeforePrint event to successfully
suppress any other object while suppressing a DBText value. There is also a
bit more to it than that. Here is a good example of suppressing other
report objects when a DBText is also being suppressed. Hope this helps.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Thanks for the clear example. I replaced the TppShape with a TppRegion
component because I have an ID (the table's key) with an associated
Description field (looked up from another table via the ID). So when the ID
is blanked out I also want the Description blanked out.
Nols Smit