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Logical error in pParseString and tdaSQL.ResolveCriteria

edited September 2003 in General

We use:
RB Enterprise 7.02, D5 and D7, DOA against Oracle.

Just spent several hours trying to figure out why the RBuilder fails to do
an "in list" search with values containing comma ( , ), apostrophy ( ' ) or
Blank space ( ).

This is fatal because databases often contains all of these. Consider for
instance trying to do:
sales_rep in <<One of the two names "O'Brien, Mark" and "Wiik, Paul">>

Oracle would "eat" that as:
sales_rep in ('O''Brien, Mark','Wiik, Paul')

Tracked down that two parts needs change:
#1. procedure ppParseString in ppUtils.pas . I was truly puzzled that you
don't use the TStrings.commatext function, like this:

procedure ppParseString(const aString: String; aStrings: TStrings);
aStrings.commatext := aString;

#2 Function FormatValue in function TdaSQL.ResolveCriteria.
A bit down where it says:
else if not(IsOracle) and not(IsMSSQLServer) then
Result := '''' + Result + '''';

Should have been:
else if not(IsOracle) and not(IsMSSQLServer) then
Result := '''' +
StringReplace(Result,'''',''''+'''',[rfReplaceAll]) + '''';

You can then feed it with:
Report.AutoSearchFields[x].searchExpression := '"O'Brien, Mark","Wiik,

I really hope you can fix this, as I think it will improve your product.
I'll have to try to compile Report Builder tomorrow with these changes made.

Best Regards,
Paul Wiik,
Lynx Technologies


  • edited September 2003
    One correction. Your existing code supports blank spaces, but fails on
    commas and quotes.

  • edited September 2003
    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for pointing this out. I will do some testing with the changes you
    provided and get back to you as soon as possible.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2003

    Looking at it again today, I see that I was probably looking in the wrong
    place where I commented:

    #2 Function FormatValue in function TdaSQL.ResolveCriteria.
    A bit down where it says:
    else if not(IsOracle) and not(IsMSSQLServer) then
    Result := '''' + Result + '''';

    I see now that it says "if not(isOracle)". Where I wanted to do the changes
    was indeed for Oracle.
    However, it probably needs to be changed where I commented as well as
    another place to handle single quotes in search text.

    Best Regards,
    Paul Wiik

  • edited October 2003

    Any news on this issue?
    I still haven't got around to recompile RB to fix the problem. When I looked
    at it, it seemed like a bit of work to understand what I need to recompile,
    and in what order.

    Best Regards,
    Paul Wiik

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