--------------------------------------------- Tech Tip: Create Reports in Code ---------------------------------------------
A ReportBuilder report is composed of a set of components. Like other standard Delphi components, the components which make up the report layout have a run-time interface. That is they can be created and configured using Object Pascal code.
A complete example of creating a report entirely in code is contained in the Developers Guide.
The Developers Guide is located in the ..\RBuilder\Developers Guide\ directory.
Here's a quick example of creating a label in code.
procedure TForm.CreateLabel;
lLabel: TppLabel;
lLabel := TppLabel.Create(Self);
lLabel.Band := aReport.GetBand(btHeader, 0);
lLabel.Caption := 'Order Detail';
lLabel.Left := 0.1042;
lLabel.Top := 0.0937;
lLabel.Font.Name := 'Arial';
lLabel.Font.Size := 18;
lLabel.Font.Style := [fsBold];
Tech Tip: Create Reports in Code
A ReportBuilder report is composed of a set
of components. Like other standard Delphi
components, the components which make up the
report layout have a run-time interface.
That is they can be created and configured
using Object Pascal code.
A complete example of creating a report entirely
in code is contained in the Developers Guide.
The Developers Guide is located in the
..\RBuilder\Developers Guide\ directory.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors