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JIT pipeline - Where to set RecordCount?

edited October 2003 in General
I have several reports attached to Jit pipelines.

Currently, I set JitPipeline RecordCount in JitPipeline OnOpenDataset event. Logical I think.

But I have just found it does not work for the secord & subsequent reports, because Jit
pipeline does not get closed when first report is completed, so thereafter JIT pipeline
remains open and OnOpenDataset never gets fired. So all subsequent reports use
recordcount of first report.

Which event of the JIT pipeline should I use to correctly set the JitPipeline RecordCount?
(Because of the way my application is structured, with a common report selection dialog,
it is much better for me to use an event of the JitPipeline and not an event of TppReport for this).

Many thanks,
Edward Benson.


  • edited October 2003

    You should set the record count for all pipelines prior to calling

    For master/detail reports you need to use DataPipeline.MasterDataPipeline
    and MasterFieldLink properties to define linking relationships. The detail
    datasets should include all data and should be sorted on the linking fields.
    For an example see RBuilder\Demos\Reports\Demo.dpr. Run the project and
    select the 'no database' section.

    Below are 2 tech tip articles related to master/detail JITPipelines.

    Tech Tip: Use Master/Detail JITPipelines

    To use Master/Detail relationship with the JITPipeline:

    1. Check out the demo dm0139 in the main demo reports app
    for an example.

    2. Make sure you have the Detail JITPipeline.MasterFieldLinks
    defined to specify the relationship. In dm0139 the detailed it
    linked to the master using the CustNo field from each pipeline.

    3. Once you have things setup like the above, then you will need
    to connect the Report.DataPipeline property to the master JITPipeline
    and the SubReport.DataPipeline property to the detail JITPipeline.

    4. In the FormCreate event set each JITPipeline.RecordCount
    property to the total number of records for each.

    You should not need to reset anything.

    6. ReportBuilder expects the data in the detail dataset
    to be in sorted order of the field links.

    In dm0139, the linked field is the CustNo, therefore
    the detail data must be order like this:

    CustNo OrderNo
    ------ -------
    1 001
    1 002
    1 003
    2 010
    2 009
    2 005

    Tech Tip: Using a JITPipeilne to Display Sorted Data


    I am using JITpipeline and I want to know is there a way
    to sort the data?


    You can implement this functionality by creating an
    index for your data.

    A simple index can be made using a StringList. You can
    iterate through your data and for each row add an entry
    to the stringlist. Each entry will contain the string
    value to sort and the row index.

    myIndex := TStringList.Create;

    for liRow := 0 to RowCount-1 do
    myIndex.AddObject(StringValueToSort, TObject(liRow));

    Once you load the data, then you can sort the StringList:


    Now you have an index in which each item in
    the stringlist contains a pointer to the correct row.

    To get the data for the first row:

    liRowIndex := Integer(myIndex.Object[0]);

    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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