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Background printing with ADO connections

edited November 2003 in General

I have RB7.03 under D6.
At runtime, ppReport is on a Datamodule together with all data access
ADOConnection, ADOStoredProcedure(s), DataSource(s), ppDBPipeline

The DataModule is created at runtime, and various properties of the
components (and the datamodule itself) are set at runtime.

If the report is printed normally (i.e. not using background thread), it
works fine

If the report is printed using BackgroundPrinting, it does not...

I follow the gist of how you create a snapshot of the report and create a
new instance of the container form... so I have modified my container form
so that a simple 'create' will (should!) establish ever aspect - for example
the runtime loading of the .RTM, the establishment of a local ADOConnection
with connection properties, etc.

The app seems to (more-or-less) work, but nothing emits from the printer. I
am seeing System Event ID 61:
The document Patient Barcodes owned by Clive failed to print. Win32 error
code returned by the print processor: 259 (0x103).

This is running W2K pro SP4, and it is a local printer.

Any thoughts?




  • edited November 2003

    As a test try creating everthing statically at design-time and then printing
    it in a background thread. Perhaps there is an issue in the code that
    dynamically prints.

    We really need an example to help you further. If you would like to create a
    simple example using ADO perhaps with the Access Northwinds database, please
    send in zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com and we can check it out

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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