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Access violation when printing a report.

edited March 2004 in General

I'm having trouble when printing a report.
It previews correctly, but after sending it to the printer (and the printer
prints the report) the application hangs up.

It is written in Delphi7 and report builder 7.

After debugging for a while, the access violation exception raises here
(code from ppForms.pas, line 1481):

procedure TppCustomCancelDialog.ppShowModal;
FModal := True;

{use timer to trigger an event just after the show modal call}
FTimer.Enabled := True;


end; {procedure, ppShowModal}<--After the exception has been raisen, the
current source line code is this

{ TppCustomCancelDialog.TimerEvent }

procedure TppCustomCancelDialog.TimerEvent;

FTimer.Enabled := False;

if Assigned(FppOnShowModal) then FppOnShowModal(Self);

end; {procedure, TimerEvent} <--- After exiting this procedure, the
exception raises, opening the CPU debug window

Debugging a little more, it raises exactly in the TCustomForm.CloseModal
function, when trying to access the CloseQuery function.

Any ideas about it??

If you need more information, just ask me!




  • edited March 2004
    Hi again!

    I've changed the TppReport.ShowCancelDialog to false and now no access
    violation exception is raised. Any ideas what may cause this?



  • edited March 2004

    If you are not using ReportBuilder 7.03, the latest release, then please
    contact info@digital-metaphors.com with your full registration information
    including serial number and inquire about receiving updating information.
    Check the Help | About box of the report designer to determine the exact
    version ReportBuilder that you are using.

    I think RB 7.03 will fix your issue. Otherwise please create a simple
    example project using ReportBuilder and DBDemos data. E-mail in zip format
    to support@digital-metaphors.com and we can check it out here.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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