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Long load time on preview

edited March 2004 in General
RB7.02 D6 End User reporting with dictionary

I have a large report with 3 dataviews. The main dataview has an
autosearch. There are 209 fields selected with another 1494 available
(after all the joins in the dataview).

It takes <5 seconds to load the report in the designer and a preview
starts right away from the tab.

If you preview from the explorer, after the autosearch dialog has been
closed it takes 22 SECONDS for the preview form to come up.

In the designer it takes about 22-24 Seconds for the query designer to
open this dataview (same issue I guess).

While it is annoying in the designer it is horrible in the preview
since this is what all the users use.

Tracking it down it seems to be from

Specifically rippling through it seems to be TdaSQL.SyncFields;

What can be done to fix this? A twenty two second wait for the client
with their processor pegged at 100% is just not acceptable.

Rick Matthews
Dartek Systems Inc.


  • edited March 2004

    When you load the report directly in the designer, are you loading it using
    the DataDictionary or not? Simply using the report explorer should not
    create a delay of 20+ seconds even if you are loading the template from a
    BLOB field and perhaps converting the report format. In the past we have
    encountered some overhead with respect to accessing a large amount of fields
    with the DataDictionary, but never with respect to the autosearch feature.
    If you would like, you can send an example to support@digital-metaphors.com
    and we can investigate the issue further.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2004
    Yes the dictionary is in use. Loading in the designer is fine. In
    the Data tab though it takes 20 seconds to bring up the query
    designer. It appears to be the loading/validating of the fields. The
    dictionary has a large number of fields as does the dataview. An
    example is difficult since it needs the big database etc.

    Have you tried a dictionary application with a few thousand fields and
    a query linking say 10 tables giving 1400 potential fields?


  • edited March 2004

    When using the DataDictionary, depending on how fast your data access is,
    there can be a delay the first time you load. In my testing with over 1000
    fields defined in the DataDictionary, using SQL Server with ADO, there was a
    delay of about 5 seconds.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2004
    Thanks Nico,

    My dictionary has 10,000 fields. The dataview itself has 9 tables
    with 209 fields selected with another 1494 available. That is a large
    system but not unreasonable in my experience.

    My data access is fast using ADO SQL Server or Sybase.

    If the delay was once only I might be able to live with it but opening
    the dataview to the table tab is fast. Switching to the column tab
    takes 20 seconds.

    Close the dataview, open to table and switch and it is AGAIN 20
    seconds. At this point there is NO data access going on (at least not
    back to the server).

    Where is the time being spent and what can be done?


  • edited March 2004
    Hi Rick,

    As a test, if you remove all your autosearch criteria, does this speed
    anything up?

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2004

    Yes it does.

    Same report, 1) with one autosearch, 2) with no autosearch from the
    report explorer clicking preview:

    1) About 1.3 seconds for the autosearch dialog. On close of
    autosearch dialog then about 23 seconds before the preview screen

    2) Only about 1.6 seconds for the preview screen.

    Note that they both take over 20 seconds in the data tab of the
    designer to open the query designer to the columns tab.


  • edited April 2004
    Hi Rick,

    Sorry for the delay, I've been busy trying to find the problem here. After
    tracing through most of the DADE code that is fired when using the
    autosearch feature I was unable to find the bottle neck (in code) that is
    slowing you down. Autosearch does however change your query when it is
    enabled. As another test, try taking the SQL created when AutoSearch is
    enabled and try to execute it on your database outside of ReportBuilder.
    Perhaps with an ADOQuery connected to a DBGrid component. Let me know the

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2004
    It is not the SQL itself. I can run with ASTA and see that there is
    no SQL issued during the 20 second pause.

    Tracing through it a bit it seems to be in:
    procedure TdaSQL.CreateAvailableFieldList;

    Specifically: CreateFieldsForTable(SelectTables[liIndex], lFields);

    Inside that the gMetaDataManager.GetFields(FSession, ... call is

    But the loop below it bogs down on large tables. We have some (too)
    wide tables and additionally our dictionary has some non physical
    columns (that get treated by RB as physical) so in the worst case we
    might have 600 columns.

    In this report we are joining many tables. I think if you updated
    your dictionary such that a table had 1000 column entries you would
    easily spot the slowdown.

    Why does it have to do all this after autosearch? Additionally, even
    if it has to parse 600 meta fields it should be faster shouldn't it
    than this? There is after all no database accessing going on.


  • edited April 2004

    Sorry this is taking so long. After creating a table of my own with over
    1000 fields, I've found that this may just be a size limitation of
    ReportBuilder. In all my testing, the SyncFields method does get called for
    each field, but the CreateAvailableFieldList method is only called once for
    each table Still it needs to create a TppField for each field in your table
    and performing this over 1000 times was typically taking 10 to 15 seconds.
    I will mark this down as something for us to possibly optimize in a future
    major release but as for now you will need to change the structure of your
    queries so only the absolutely necessary fields are available to create your
    user reports.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2004
    "absolutely necessary fields" are the fields defined in the user
    database and hence put into the report builder dictionary!

    As a temp work around for the end user is there a way I can avoid
    CreateAvailableFieldList on a preview? Why when previewing a report
    from the report explorer does it need a list of fields - not on the
    report - but that were available to the designer?

    CreateAvailableFieldList is not called if there are no autosearch


  • edited April 2004
    It is not necessary to call CreateAvailableFieldList for each field unless
    your fields are out of sync. Otherwise CreateAvailableFieldList should only
    be called once. Perhaps you can change the RB source to work the way you
    need. Be sure not to change any code in the Interface sections as that will
    prevent RAP from working correctly.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2004
    Thanks Nico.

    Could you point me in the right direction? It appears that on a
    preview from the report explorer if you have autosearch criteria then
    procedure TdaQueryDataView.ReportGetAutoSearchValuesEvent is called
    which results in FQueryOutOfSync := True which causes
    CreateAvailableFieldList to be called.

    Can I safely stop this from happening on a preview? If so how/where?
    Even once is 20 seconds too long. Is there a need for available
    fields for autosearch in preview?


  • edited April 2004

    I believe it sets the FQueryOutOfSync to True because the AutoSearch is
    actually changing the SQL being executed then regenerating the page info.
    You may simply be able to take the CreateAvailableFieldList call out in this
    case as you are probably not changing the fields accessed when you run your

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.