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SQL Error -104

edited September 2004 in General
I am new to report builder, but have used many other band reporters in my
apps (mainly ReportPro). I have a nagging problem that I can't solve. My
report is connecting to a firebird backend, but when I try and group the
report by any single field I a "SQL error -104 Number of page buffers for
cache required".However,if I group by EVERY selected field, then the error
does not appear, but the report's totals are off. Does anyone have any
suggestions. As always... by client needs these reports yesterday.



  • edited September 2004
    Hi Rich,

    When you say that you try and "group the report" by a single field, are you
    creating a group inside the actual report or are you using the GROUP BY
    clause? Remember that by definition all the items in the Select list must
    also be a grouped value. This may be the cause of your error. As far as
    the report totals being off, how are you calculating these totals? Are they
    being calculated across groups, or subreports? A little more information on
    how your report is set up would be helpful in solving this issue.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2004
    Thank you for the quick reply.
    I am grouping both the data and the report.
    The report in question is a basic grouping report. Under each contract
    number (contract_no) we want a count ( count() ) and total value (
    sum(value) ) of all items shipped grouped by material type (Mat_Type), so
    the report has two group headers contract,material type. How what happens
    when the report is previewed is that the report will give me counts and
    totals but it will list the contract number more tha once so I get something
    ELECT 23 4000.00
    ELECT 10 300.00
    ELECT 3 50.00
    ELECT 20 3000.00
    ELECT 3 780.00

    the contract 340402 repeats. I have gone back to the database to make sure
    that the contract numbers are exactly the same, but I still get that break.
    In the report grouping I have made sure that the contract and material type
    are the first fields in the group, and also in the sort.

    What am I missing here... this is reporting 101.


  • edited September 2004
    Hi Richard,

    Ok, let's start by simplifying your report a little. First remove the
    second group from the report so you are only grouping on contract_no. Then
    be sure your dataset is in fact ordered by contract_no. Also be sure the
    group footer is visible. It doesn't need to have a vertical size but it
    does need to be visible for the report engine to know when the group has
    broken. Does this give you the correct output? Once you get this main
    group working, then try adding the second group using the same guidelines.
    Be sure then that your dataset is ordered by contract_no first then the next
    field value. Finally if you are using DBCalc components to get the count
    and sum of your groups, be sure to set the Reset Group property of the
    DBCalc in the Calculations dialog.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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