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DetailBeforePrint error

edited January 2005 in General
Why would I get the error "DetailBeforePrint" when trying to print a report
after loading the template, when the report prints fine if accessed via the
report explorer. This doesn't happen on simple reports, but if there are
headers, footers and subreports it does fail with this error after using
LoadReport and then Print. This is Delphi 6 with RB 9 latest build. I do
remember having a similar problem back with RB 7 and I don't remember if
there was a solution. The question is really, what is it in the report that
causes this error mesage?

Mike Combellack


  • edited January 2005
    To partly answer my own question (!), I have found that a report that works
    fine when loaded from a template and printed, suddenly throws an error when
    the following code is added....

    Procedure DetailBeforePrint;
    Detail.Visible := (ReservationCodes['SomeDateField'] >=

    ...the idea being to hide the detail based on a condition. If the report is
    opened via the report explorer it prints fine and as required. Why does this
    fail when using LoadReport ?

    Mike Combellack

  • edited January 2005
    Hi Mike,

    Is this an AV or an exception error that you are receiving? If so, what is
    the full error message given? Also, if possible, try setting your library
    path to \RBuilder\Source\ and your debugger to stop on exceptions to see if
    you can trace where this error is occuring.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2005

    Thanks for the reply. This is an exception (ECodeError: Could not compile
    program: DetailBeforePrint). Further investigation shows it happens whenever
    I reference a field value from the dataset in the DetailBeforePrint
    procedure. Code in this procedure that does not refer to any dataset value
    does not cause the exception.

    Again, this only happens when loading from a template using loadReport - via
    the report explorer it works fine.

    It is rather difficult to see where it occurs in RB - I set ShowPrintDialog
    to FALSE and than call Print - this goes to a line in RB that says
    FCancelDialog.ppShowModal and the exception occurs. I haven't gone further
    into this.


  • edited January 2005
    Have you been able to investigate this issue? As I mentioned earlier, I have
    a feeling it's not new. I think that loadReport doesn't open the dataset in
    the same way as when using the report explorer...


  • edited January 2005
    Hi Mike,

    I'm having a bit of trouble recreating this issue on my machine. Here are
    the steps I'm taking...

    1. Create a new report connected to a dataset (created in DADE) and some RAP
    code in the DetailBand.BeforPrint event accessing the dataset.

    2. Save it.

    3. Place a report and button on a form, and in the ButtonClick event call
    LoadReport, then preview.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2005

    Thanks again for looking at this. Your scenario works if you preview using
    the report explorer method . However, I'm actually sending the report to a
    file - but you can see the error if you set the report device type to
    dtScreen (I'm using dtPDF but it's still the same problem) and then call the
    print method for the report. The report doesn't compile correctly - it looks
    to me as though the dataset is not opened (if I reference the values of the
    elements on the form rather than the dataset I don't get the error but the
    values are all blank). What do you think?


  • edited January 2005
    Nico - Any thoughts on this?


    Mike Combellack

  • edited January 2005
    Hi Mike,

    Sorry about the delay... my newsreader did not pick up your last response.
    For future reference, if I do not reply within about 24 hours to a post,
    feel free to contact me or post again to be sure I got it :).

    In the example I created, I did not use the explorer, I saved the template
    file down to file and called LoadFromFile inside the TButton.OnClick event.
    This did not seem to give me the error you received. Which
    database/connectivity are you using? Are you able to create this error
    using the DBDEMOS database? If so, please construct a small example that I
    can run on my machine and send it in .zip format to
    support@digital-metaphors.com and I'll take a look at it for you.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.