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Report Frozing when Printing on Terminal Server 2003

edited January 2005 in General
Seen we update Windows terminal server 2000 to terminal server 2003, report
or frozing up after call of TppReport.PrintReport

To someone as the same error, if so what can I do to solver this problem.

I'm using ReportBuilder pro 7.04

Thanks in Advance.


  • edited January 2005
    > Seen we update Windows terminal server 2000 to terminal server 2003,

    never seen it--you might try 9.01 and see if it still occurs. If so, you'll
    need to provide more information about your report.

    Ed Dressel
  • edited January 2005
    I've try with the last version 9.01 demo, and I have the same result, still
    I have 2 pipelines, related by filter and not by MasterDataPipeline.
    In the master I have 2 or 3 records but in the Detail 20525 records.
    And when I ppReport.print;
    It's freezing

    We correct the SQL query for the detail and now it's giving only potentiel
    records (50 records) and now it's working.

    The first version of the program, with 20525 records, on a Windows2000
    terminal server was not frozing but on a windows2003 terminal server it is.


    "Ed Dressel [Team DM]" a ?crit dans le
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