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Does RB10 no longer work on Win98 machine?

edited October 2006 in General

Just sent a client a update which includes RB10.04 for the first time and
all was well until he found a machine still in use that is running Windows
98. This machine will not run my app now, it just gives an AV as soon as it
tries to run.

Am I correct in saying that he needs to upgrade the machine or is there some
way around it?



  • edited October 2006

    Follow each of these steps...

    - Configure RB to use one of the simpler themes such as the 'Default' or
    'WinXP'. (The 'Office2003' theme will not work properly on Win98). See
    article below.

    - make sure that you are using RB 10.04 (check the Help | About box of the
    designer). If you are not using RB 10.04, then email
    info@digital-metaphors.com and request an update.

    - email support@digital-metaphors.com and request the 'Theme related patch
    for RB 10.04'.

    Tech Tip: ReportBuilder Themes

    ReportBuilder 10 introduces support for Themes (Skins). There are a couple
    of options for specifying which theme is used.

    1. Report Designer

    From the Report Designer select View | Themes from the main menu and then
    select the theme that you would like to use. The specified theme will be
    stored in RBuilder.ini and used as the default theme the next time you run

    2. RBuilder.ini.

    When deploying an application, you can deploy RBuilder.ini so that
    ReportBuilder will use a specific theme.

    3. TppThemeManager

    At run-time TppThemeManager can be used to programmatically use specify a

    TppThemeManager is defined in ppToolbarTBX.pas. Here are the public class

    TppThemeManager = class
    class function GetCurrentThemeName: String;
    class procedure GetThemeNames(aThemeNames: TStrings);
    class procedure SavePreferences;
    class procedure SetCurrentTheme(aThemeName: String);




    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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