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Paper Tray Issues on printing RB10.04 D6.2

edited October 2006 in General

We are printing reports out some of which need to be on letterhead which the
client has in Tray 2. Their default on the printer is Tray 1. So they go in
to properties and select tray 2 and print. It still comes out of tray 1

Whatever setting I give it in the report printer setup Tray1, Tray2 etc. and
whatever the user does the report seems to revert to using the default.

Can you shed any light on this? I know printers have drivers and these can
vary in quality etc.
and I am not thinking it is RB doing this as your documentation records
these settings. Have you had any experience with this....

Thanks in advance


  • edited October 2006
    Hi Andrew,

    Are you setting the bin name in code or are your users setting this from the
    print dialog?

    When setting the bin name, you need to be sure you are using the exact name
    the driver uses. The best way to be sure of this is to use the
    PrinterSetup.BinNames property.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2006

    The printer has AQuto Tray Select, Tray 1 and Tray 2 so they are different
    spellings to the report.

    I just want the one the user selects. Is there anyway to just say 'go with
    the user selection'

  • edited November 2006
    Hi Andrew,

    I'm still unclear about how your users are selecting a bin to use. Are they
    using the print dialog in ReportBuilder or selecting this as the default in
    their windows printer settings.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2006

    They are using the print dialog box and clicking properties. They select the
    tray and the report goes to the default tray regardless of the selection
    they made.

    Having looked through other news items I tried the following (from one of
    your replies I think) with the aim of capturing what their selections are
    and using them

    procedure TfrmReportViewer.clrMainPrintDialogCreate(Sender: TObject);
    lPrinter: TppPrinter;
    {intitialize printer DevMode}
    if not FEmailed then
    lPrinter := TppPrinter(clrMain.PrintDialog.Printer) ;

    procedure TfrmReportViewer.clrMainPrintDialogClose(Sender: TObject);
    lPrinter: TppPrinter;
    // Only do this for documents
    if (clrMain.PrintDialog.ModalResult = mrOK) then
    if FDocument then AddArchiveDevice(clrMain,
    {save printer DevMode}
    if not FEmailed then
    lPrinter := TppPrinter(clrMain.PrintDialog.Printer);

    This does not do the trick either. The important bit is the if not FEmailed
    then block in both. the rest is just other stuff we do.

  • edited November 2006
    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for the clarification. In my testing with a HP LaserJet 5, I am able
    to successfully select and print from a tray from the "properties" dialog.
    Are you able to recreate this with any printer? What type of printer are
    you (or your client) currently using? Are you certain that no tray
    selections properly work?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2006

    My printer here is a XEROX Phaser 6100DN which has tray names inline with
    those of reportbuilder so there is no problem. The client is using a fancy
    copier, printer Kyocera which has bin names that are not the same as report
    builder. When they select the tray 2 bin in properties and select OK in the
    print dialog the report just comes out of Tray 1 which is their default tray
    and contains blank paper whereas they want tray 2 that has headed

    All I want is a way to say 'just use whatever they select in properties' to
    the report


  • edited November 2006
    Hi Andrew,

    ReportBuilder retrieves the names of the available bins (trays) from the
    Windows API which in turn retrieves them from the printer driver it is
    communicating with. The trays your customer is seeing are not provided by
    ReportBuilder, they are provided by the printer driver they are using. If
    you take a look at the TppPrinterInfo class in the ppPrintr.pas file, you
    can see that ReportBuilder simply asks the Windows API for a list of the
    available Bin names in the GetDeviceCapability routine.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2006

    I know they are provided by the printer driver. But when they select one of
    them in the properties the report just comes out from the default tray
    unless the trays are those that report builder has i.e. tray1, tray2 the
    printer they are using has a tray 2 and this seems to cause it to default.
    The printer I have has the same tray names that appear in the report
    designer and I am fine here.


  • edited November 2006
    Hi Andrew,

    ReportBuilder does not define any trays itself. All the trays you see (on
    your PC or on your customers') are dynamically retrieved from the printer
    driver. The fact that your customer has a bin named "Tray2" and you have
    one named "Tray2" is purely coincidential as the authors of each driver
    named the bins similarly.

    When your customer defines "Tray2" this is setting the DEVMODE structure in
    the Windows API which is then supposed to be used by the printer driver to
    print from the correct bin. Some advanced printers will ignore this
    information and use their own custom techniques to determine certain aspects
    of a print job. The fact that selecting a different bin works correctly
    with your printer as well as my printer leads me to believe that this is a
    printer driver issue.

    Are you certain the bin with the header stationary is actually "Tray2"?
    Have your customers try some other options to be sure the correct bin is not
    labeled something different.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.