Justify RTF (Very Important)
I see the help to justify an *.RTF and it is not possible.
Any Idea to Justify a RTF. ( NOT Center, Not Right, Not Left ) like word.
it's very important. I must to print a contract about six pages and my
client don't like to alignement Left, right.
Un saludo
Jaime Lloret.
Jefe de Desarrollo de Proyectos Software.
CL?USULA DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: ISCOPYME, S.L garantiza la confidencialidad de
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Any Idea to Justify a RTF. ( NOT Center, Not Right, Not Left ) like word.
it's very important. I must to print a contract about six pages and my
client don't like to alignement Left, right.
Un saludo
Jaime Lloret.
Jefe de Desarrollo de Proyectos Software.
CL?USULA DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: ISCOPYME, S.L garantiza la confidencialidad de
los datos que obran en su poder y seg?n lo estipulado por la LOPD (Ley
Org?nica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre de Protecci?n de Datos de Car?cter
Personal). Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente al destinatario consignado.
Puede contener informaci?n confidencial, de nuestra propiedad o legalmente
protegida. Si usted no es el destinatario, le informamos que cualquier
acceso, divulgaci?n, copia o distribuci?n de la informaci?n, as? como
cualquier acci?n u omisi?n realizada con base a la misma, queda prohibida y
puede ser ilegal. En caso de haber recibido este mensaje por error, le
rogamos que nos lo reenv?e y notifique inmediatamente, borrando toda copia
de su sistema. Gracias.
Ingenier?a del Software y Consulting para la PYME.
Servicios Inform?ticos.
Tel : 966 688 12 88
Fax : 966 688 20 29
C/ Pintores, N? 19.
03590 - ALTEA - Alicante
Administraci?n : admin@iscopyme.com
Depto. Software : soft@iscopyme.com
SAT : sat@iscopyme.com
This discussion has been closed.
Below are some options for adding more advanced RichText support to RB. I
think one or more of the options below supports full text justification.
Article: ReportBuilder's RichText architecture
The RichText in ReportBuilder is a wrapper around Delphi's TRichEdit which
in turn relies on Windows. There are two versions of Windows richedit -
RichEd32.dll is the older one and RichEd20.dll is a newer one (RichEd32 is
being phased out). Delphi by default relies on RichEd32 - the older version.
To use some of the more advanced features of Windows RichEdit, see the topic
on InfoPower RichEdit Support below.
In general Windows RichEdit supports the type of formatting that you can do
using WordPad.
InfoPower RichEdit Support
InfoPower from Woll2Woll Software is a popular database add-on product for
Delphi. InfoPower's TwwRichEdit components support the Windows RichEdit2
format. This format allows the rich text data to contain embedded bitmaps
and OLE objects. For more information please see http:\\www.Woll2Woll.com.
ReportBuilder includes a component that enables the TppRichText and
TppDBRichText controls in ReportBuilder to use the formatting capabilities
of InfoPower's TwwRichEdit when rendering RTF data. The ppWWRichEd.pas unit
located in the ..\RBuilder\InfoPower directory defines a TwwDBRichEdit
descendant and then registers the class with ReportBuilder. This enables the
TppRichText and TppDBRichText controls in ReportBuilder to use the
formatting capabilities of TwwDBRichEidt when rendering data.
WPTools Support
WPTools is a collection of components used to edit and print formatted text.
With its own RTF engine, WPTools offers numerous features not supported by
the standard Windows RichEd20.dll. This control lets you use tables,
paragraph frames, headers and footers etc. Using the optional ReportBuilder
support units for WPTools 2.x, you can print the enhanced WPTools features
(justified text, tables, graphics...) within your ReportBuilder reports. For
more information please see http:\\www.wptools.de.
TRichView is a suite of native Delphi components for displaying, editing,
and printing hypertext documents. Documents can contain tables, pictures,
and images. TRichView is available from www.trichview.com. There is a
wrapper for available for using TRichView inside ReportBuilder, see
http://www.digital-metaphors.com/Subpages/Downloads/CompanionRCL.html or
Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
TRichEdit. How can I do it in ReportBuilder ?
- Best solution is to descend from the TppRichEdit class (which itself is a
simple descendent of TRichEdit) and register your custom version for use
with RB. An example registration appears at the bottom of the unit containg
the TppRichEdit class. The TppRichEdit is defined in ppRichTxDrwCmd.pas (or
if you are using an older version of RB it is located in ppDrwCmd.pas).
- Would you be willing to share this solution with us so that we could add
it to a future release of RB? If so, please email
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
procedure TRichEdit.Justificar;
WM_USER = $400;
mZERO = $0;
var x :tparaformat;
L :LongInt;
cp :charrange;
x.cbSize := sizeof(x);
if SelLength = 0 then
cp.cpMin := 0;
cp.cpMax := length(Text);
if L = 1 then
SendMessage(Handle, EM_GETPARAFORMAT, mZERO, LPARAM(@x));
x.dwMask := PFM_ALIGNMENT;
x.wAlignment := PFA_JUSTIFY;
SendMessage(Handle, EM_SETPARAFORMAT, mZERO, lparam(@x));
cp.cpMin := 0;
cp.cpMax := 0;
WordWrap := true;
but i don't know in what class Tp**** i have to put this code ?
- The TppRichText and TppDBRichText are the components that you use in your
RB Reports. These are wrapper classes that internally rely upon a
TCustomRichEdit descendant.(see ppRichTx.pas.)
- By default the RB RichText classes listed above, rely upon the TppRichEdit
class (which itself is a
simple descendent of TRichEdit) The TppRichEdit is defined in
ppRichTxDrwCmd.pas (or
if you are using an older version of RB it is located in ppDrwCmd.pas). It
is possible to replace the TppRichEdit with a custom descendant.
I think the challenge you may be encountering is that you can add your
custom method to a descendant of TppRichEdit and register it for use with
RB, but then how do you use it?
You might need to descend from TppRichText and TppDBRichText so that you can
add a new property.
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors