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dirty letters in PDF component with PDFium


We have now tried the newer version 22.04 with the PDF component. We want to test this with PDFium and in our test we wanted to include a second page (terms and conditions) as a PDF. The PDF itself looks good. When I send the new document to the printer, it looks great. When output to a new PDF, it looks as if some of the letters are cut off.

Are there any settings that still need to be adjusted?

We initially suspected that the properties for sharp images still needed to be adjusted, but since the main page also contains images and they look clean, it doesn't really seem to be due to these properties.

Do you have any other advice?


  • Hi Marko,

    Are you able to recreate this behavior with an empty report containing the PDF only? If so, please send this example to support@digital-metaphors.com with the original PDF file included and we'll track down the problem.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hello,

    I'm very sorry! A PDF export was made from the preview and a third-party component was used for this, or the preview was also printed to PDF printers such as "Microsoft Print to PDF". We often have problems with these printers in particular. I didn't question enough how exactly the PDF was created.

    So the error was on our part.

    Thank you for your time!
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