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PDF Portrait

I am generating a pdf of the report but it is in landscape mode, how do I set the pdf to portrait?


  • Hi Heronim,

    An exported PDF page will mimic the report page exactly. If you have your report orientation set to Landscape, the PDF will be the same. In my quick testing this proved to be functioning as expected.

    Be sure you have your Report.PrinterSetup.Orientation property set to poLandscape.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

  • is report_origem.PrinterSetup.Orientation := porportrait
  • Hi Heronim,

    I apologize for misunderstanding. Are you trying to print a landscape report as a portrait PDF? If so, you can possibly alter the Orientation property in the OnFileDeviceCreate event if a PDF. This, however may cut off some report components in the resulting PDF.

    If you are trying to actually rotate the entire report page, this is not something that is currently supported by ReportBuilder. I will add this as a possible feature for a future release.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • I tried here using:

    procedure TJ_BD070.EtiquetaFileDeviceCreate(Sender: TObject);
    Label.PrinterSetup.Orientation := poPortrait;

    But it doesn't go through the event
  • Hi Heronim,

    This event will only fire when exporting to file. Be sure you implementing the event of the proper report and that you are assigning it after loading any templates.

    Looking at the event name, the report is "Etiqueta" so setting the PrinterSetup.Orientation of "Label" will not have any effect.
    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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