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TMS RemoteDB plugin with ReportBuilder end user reporting solution.


Today I finish to code the TMS RemoteDB Plugin for use with ReportBuilder as another Enduser solution, TMS RemoteDB is a fantastic way to access any DB in the world using http or https protocol with less effort.

However I'm stuck in the final stage after create the Report and save into a Remote Database I can't access with the RBExplorer. I check the tables and all the info is correctly saved into database I don't know why ReportBuilder gaves me the error "formato de plantilla no válido" something like (invalid template format).

I use SQLServer as DB engine, the template field is image type and the Delphi component field is tagged as "BLOB", as I wrote above ReportBuilder saves correctly all the template but it was unable to read it again.

Here's a Spanish video

When all this end I want to share the RemoteDB plugin for everyone just keep my credits into the ".pas" units.

Can you please point me in the right direction???

Regards from México


  • Hello

    Finally I discover the trouble and finish the PlugIn.

    Here's the video uploaded at youtube.


    I want to contribute this Plugin for the TMS RemoteDB segment as this is a very useful routine.

    Remmember that "knowledge belongs to the World"

    Regards from México
  • Hi Alejandro,

    Let us know and we can list your TMS RemoteDB plug-in on the RB DADE plug-ins page - along with your name listed as the author (page link below). We can host the download on our web server or add a download link to a file on your server.


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • You host it please

    Can you provide me an email to send the plugin???

  • Hi Alejandro,

    Please send to support@

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • Moseley

    Email sent

    Please feel free to contact me for any information
  • Hi Alejandro,

    Thanks for the contribution.

    We have updated the DADE plug-ins page with an entry for daRemoteDB.


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • Moseley

    Thanks for the update, however I see you published the next content: "Freeware. Dataview classes that support TMS RemoteDB. Created by Alejandro Romero Parra. Download daDBOvernet."

    And the last word is incorrect because it's not "daDBOvernet", it's "daRemoteDB".

    Also I saw some of the contributors has it's mail to html tag, is there possible you can include me too?

    "daRemoteDB by Alejandro Romero Parra" they can contact me at: alejandro@timbralofacil.com

    Have a great day
  • Hi Alejandro,

    The updates have been completed.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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