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Subreport wont group with MasterDataPipeline

Good day, gents

I have the weirdest of the problems. I'm trying to group 2 subreports, one beside the other, by date.
For this I have 3 datapipelines. 1 master with a field that contains the date and 2 others which feed the subreports.

The problem is one can't seem to group right. Let's say i have 2 days. The problematic subreport will print like this:

'Desc 1' - 01/11
'Desc 1' - 02/11
'Desc 1' - 01/11
'Desc 1' - 02/11
, whereas the other, things go the intended way

'Desc 1' - 01/11
'Desc 1' - 02/11

here goes a attachment to make things clearer: https://imgur.com/a/T2ONOtO


  • Found the solution. I had to manually link the datapipeline to the masterdatapiple because apparently you can't link more than one by the properties tab
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