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preview print button

edited June 2001 in General
I'd like to disable the print button on the preview form based on a
boolean field. How do I disable the button at run time?



email address is for spammers. Please reply here.

craig at pbyc dot com


  • edited June 2001
    The simplest method would probably be to create your own custom preview form
    and enable the behavior you need. See the Developer's Guide for a tutorial
    on replacing RB forms.

    Robert Leahey
    TRX Technology Services
  • edited June 2001

    I've done that and now I get an AV when I reach this line. I've added
    this to the previewOnCreate and tried it in the BeforePrint as well.

    rbPrintPreview.spbPreviewPrint.Visible := not

    any ideas?



    email address is for spammers. Please reply here.

    craig at pbyc dot com
  • edited June 2001
    This sounds like something you'll just have to debug for yourself. I don't
    have enough information to figure out why you're getting an AV, sorry.

    Robert Leahey
    TRX Technology Services
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