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Wheelmouse Support

edited June 2001 in General
Is the a way to support scrolling by wheel mouse in the preview-component. I
noticed the commented lines in the source but uncommenting does not seem to
work since the component can not receive the focus ?

Frank Roloff


  • edited June 2001
    Mousewheel support isn't built into the previewer. This was researched at
    one time, but was pushed down on the to-do list, and hence, you found some
    commented code. However, a few customers have reported that the mousewheel
    is working for them on their machines natively. Perhaps it is their
    particular mouse/driver. You may want to search our newsgroups for any
    threads relating to using the mouse wheel.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2001

    IT works for me, and has on multipe computers. I have a driver that shows up
    in 98's icon tray, and a newer 2000 machine with the MS driver to go with
    it. I haven't done anything special, just bought m$'s stuff

    Ed Dressel
  • edited June 2001
    I have a Intellimouse Explorer and with this mouse and software Version 3.2
    and it works just fine here. Do you have a Logitech mouse?


  • edited June 2001
    I'm using Intellipoint 3.1 on Win2K and it doesn't want to work
    automatically. Interesting.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2001

  • edited June 2001
    The wheel mouse support is enabled with the driver I have installed. RB
    just doesn't have built in wheel mouse support yet.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.