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dbMemo does not stretch, but dbRichText does.

edited June 2001 in General
In a subReport, I am unable to get the height of a dbMemo to increase
according to needs. Instead, the length of the memo inxreases. If I use a
dbRichText component instead, and set its Stretch property to true,
everything works fine.

Am I missing something?

Thank you,



  • edited June 2001
    Sounds like you're using the dbText instead of a dbMemo. They are right
    next to each other on the component palette. A dbMemo has a Stretch
    property which will cause it to stretch vertically.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2001

    I did use the dbMemo (not the dbText) and did set its Stretch property to
    true. Still, it did not adjust its height.


  • edited June 2001
    What version of RB and Delphi are you using? We have not heard of this
    behavior before. Can you send a demo to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2001
    I'm using version 5.54 and Delphi 5 (Pro). I could use version 5.56 but,
    being in the middle of an important project, I'm afraid of upgrading
    anything without running into big troubles.

    As for sending a demo, I'll have to build one, since the actual project is
    against Oracle tables and using DOA components.


  • edited June 2001
    You may want to look at the plain text to see if there is any control
    characters in the text.

    What if you take this text and place it in a non data aware TppMemo? If
    this shows the problem, then all we really need is the exact text from the
    db. As for a demo, and in order to pare down the complexity of the report,
    place a dbmemo in a detail band of a new report- does the problem persist?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2001

    Thank you for your ongoing support. Indeed, the text contains several '@'.
    Should this be considered a 'special character'?

    Here is an example of it:

    As you suggested, I placed this text in a non-data aware Memo with the
    Stretch property set to true. Again, the height of the Memo did not adjust,
    but it kept expanding its length.


  • edited June 2001
    The @ isn't a special character. I put your text in a 5.56 report - it
    wrapped with no problem. So I tried it with 5.54 and still it wrapped
    correctly. Since you can reproduce it easily with a TppMemo, please save
    the report as an ASCII template (see Report.Template.Format) with the
    TppMemo and the offending text in it to support@digital-metaphors.com maybe
    I'm missing something simple in my report.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2001
    I have sent a copy of a simple report to your team.

    Thank you Jim for your support.

  • edited June 2001
    Its prints correctly with 5.54 and 5.56. I previewed your template in 5.54
    and 5.56, both at delphi design time and at runtime. You may want to double
    check to make sure you don't have any multiple RBuilder dcus lying around on
    your machine which are from a previous version. There is an article on
    corrupt installations which describes the filenames to look for, in the
    tech-tips newsgroup.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2001
    Thanks a lot Jim. I'll follow your advice and check for the 'remains' of a
    previous trial installation.

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