Wish for next major release 6.x.....
1. Multiple UNDO
2. Zoomin/Zoomout in Designmode
3. Measure distance of two objects. Klick first one, klick second one = Show
the distamce
4. More than one pagestyle for one main report, means Pagestyle for the
first page, Pagestyle for the lastpage, Pagestyle for the pages between.
Priority settings what pagestyle should be used if only one page is printed.
Often bank-conditions should only printed on the bottom of the last page.
This should be easyly handled by enduser instead of subreport-handling.
5. Faster moving of objects if more more objects are selected (10 or more).
Actually the move pixel is than very slow
6. More flexibility on printing and handling picuters. a) ShiftRelativeTo...
to snap picuters after memos without using Ranges. b) sampling filter for
resizing to get better results on resizing c) give pictiure a max.
dimension. If picture is smaller then do nothing, if its bigger than the
max. dimenion then resize it proportional d) possibiliti to handle DPI
information in Pictures. if a picture is sampled outside for optimal
printerresulution then the internal translation between screen design and
the printer resolution samples always a pictre. give us a possibility to say
only if 5% resizing is needed, than resize it on printing. So the quality an
lowres labelprinter could be enhanced very good.
7. Not RB-Job, but better suport on Devicelayer from waler for PDF and so
with the RTF-Objects. Actually the RTF parser gives no good result. On
printer RTF comes top, but not on walers component.
8. Implementing all hardcodes text in the source to the very good
resourcestrings. i had send all what i found. Specially the wizards and
previewdata like company, Action Club etc.; Internationalisation of the
Label Assistant. The format description is hardcoded.
9. Dont save report.ini in system32 (not logo compilent). Give the
programmers a callbak to handle saving and reading of items, so it could be
saved to a databse.
10. The handling of the querybuilder (Autosearch) is hardcoded to US-Format
of Datetype. Take the languagesettings of the pc instead or better give a
property in the report-object to handle this.
11. The right-mouse format masks are all in US-Englisch format. i send this
by some translations so it should also get a resource for that.
12. Autosearch-property: Give an easy property to popup the Autosearchdialog
also in Previewmode. Actually this box appears only on printing. The user is
so a little bit confused to press the icon for a new searchdialog, because
the initial values not fit.
13. give a date and time picker in Autosearch
14. Crostab editor is wonderfull. Give an icon to controll the special
crosstab designer by normal user from preview, instead to go to the
15. Give us an easy way to handle a label for the COPY 1 of 3 and so on. It
sould be able to set also alias for each first side of a copyset. Like
"CUSTOMER", "INHOUSE" and so on.
16. Handling of pagebrakes. it would be good to have on the main report mor
than one header-band. A Headerband for the first page, and a headerband for
the next pages. a Lot of peaple have other logos on second pages. Actually
its very compilacted for the enduser to handle this.
17. Better Sheetfeeder-Support like: Copyset 1 of 3to feeder X; Copyset 2 of
3 to Feeder Y and so. But also an option to say: Firstpage of a copyset to
feeder A, following pages of one set to feeder B. This are the main wishes
from our endusers.
18. Inserting Elements which are cut from another band, did snap over itself
when the targetband is not the same like the old band. If i mark some
element from the main title and go to subreport and there is only a
headerband. Than the elements snap together. Also change the band dimensions
if the elements does not fit in the target band.
19. Inserting Objects prom one band to another changes te position. I using
not inch, im using mm. if i insert lines with 0.3mm width then the new
inserted objects have diffrent width. Seems that internaly the wisth is tran
slated in another measure-system.
20. better handling of lines: if i use dynamic detail with some vertical
lines and a dynamic memo. under the memo i place a picture with shift parent
option. The lines have all options set to be dynamicly. But if the picture
prints, the vertical lines stops.
Hope some other developers would share some wishes so the could become
Chrstian Niedergesaess
2. Zoomin/Zoomout in Designmode
3. Measure distance of two objects. Klick first one, klick second one = Show
the distamce
4. More than one pagestyle for one main report, means Pagestyle for the
first page, Pagestyle for the lastpage, Pagestyle for the pages between.
Priority settings what pagestyle should be used if only one page is printed.
Often bank-conditions should only printed on the bottom of the last page.
This should be easyly handled by enduser instead of subreport-handling.
5. Faster moving of objects if more more objects are selected (10 or more).
Actually the move pixel is than very slow
6. More flexibility on printing and handling picuters. a) ShiftRelativeTo...
to snap picuters after memos without using Ranges. b) sampling filter for
resizing to get better results on resizing c) give pictiure a max.
dimension. If picture is smaller then do nothing, if its bigger than the
max. dimenion then resize it proportional d) possibiliti to handle DPI
information in Pictures. if a picture is sampled outside for optimal
printerresulution then the internal translation between screen design and
the printer resolution samples always a pictre. give us a possibility to say
only if 5% resizing is needed, than resize it on printing. So the quality an
lowres labelprinter could be enhanced very good.
7. Not RB-Job, but better suport on Devicelayer from waler for PDF and so
with the RTF-Objects. Actually the RTF parser gives no good result. On
printer RTF comes top, but not on walers component.
8. Implementing all hardcodes text in the source to the very good
resourcestrings. i had send all what i found. Specially the wizards and
previewdata like company, Action Club etc.; Internationalisation of the
Label Assistant. The format description is hardcoded.
9. Dont save report.ini in system32 (not logo compilent). Give the
programmers a callbak to handle saving and reading of items, so it could be
saved to a databse.
10. The handling of the querybuilder (Autosearch) is hardcoded to US-Format
of Datetype. Take the languagesettings of the pc instead or better give a
property in the report-object to handle this.
11. The right-mouse format masks are all in US-Englisch format. i send this
by some translations so it should also get a resource for that.
12. Autosearch-property: Give an easy property to popup the Autosearchdialog
also in Previewmode. Actually this box appears only on printing. The user is
so a little bit confused to press the icon for a new searchdialog, because
the initial values not fit.
13. give a date and time picker in Autosearch
14. Crostab editor is wonderfull. Give an icon to controll the special
crosstab designer by normal user from preview, instead to go to the
15. Give us an easy way to handle a label for the COPY 1 of 3 and so on. It
sould be able to set also alias for each first side of a copyset. Like
"CUSTOMER", "INHOUSE" and so on.
16. Handling of pagebrakes. it would be good to have on the main report mor
than one header-band. A Headerband for the first page, and a headerband for
the next pages. a Lot of peaple have other logos on second pages. Actually
its very compilacted for the enduser to handle this.
17. Better Sheetfeeder-Support like: Copyset 1 of 3to feeder X; Copyset 2 of
3 to Feeder Y and so. But also an option to say: Firstpage of a copyset to
feeder A, following pages of one set to feeder B. This are the main wishes
from our endusers.
18. Inserting Elements which are cut from another band, did snap over itself
when the targetband is not the same like the old band. If i mark some
element from the main title and go to subreport and there is only a
headerband. Than the elements snap together. Also change the band dimensions
if the elements does not fit in the target band.
19. Inserting Objects prom one band to another changes te position. I using
not inch, im using mm. if i insert lines with 0.3mm width then the new
inserted objects have diffrent width. Seems that internaly the wisth is tran
slated in another measure-system.
20. better handling of lines: if i use dynamic detail with some vertical
lines and a dynamic memo. under the memo i place a picture with shift parent
option. The lines have all options set to be dynamicly. But if the picture
prints, the vertical lines stops.
Hope some other developers would share some wishes so the could become
Chrstian Niedergesaess
This discussion has been closed.
21. something like object Inspector in design mode,
for setting visible property to selected object.
If I am changing visible property in a event of Region object,
and the last is false, returning from preview to design I can not
see region and it's components
I can see it only in Report-tree, but how to change visible property
at this time ???
Kv?toslav Jansta
LCS International, a.s.
mailto : KJ@Lcs.cz
ICQ: 51076087
nativ/standard problem, so it should be in the base version of RB, there for
i placed it as Wish.
i also had tried out that componants, but some functions did not worked
correctly and some others did not worked with walers deviceunit.
really like RB, but you always want more!!
Resizing the ruler on the design tab for sub reports so that it reflects the
width of the sub-report in the parent report. This would make laying out sub
reports much easier when the sub report is not the full page width.
An option to turn off the auto size = on default behaviour for new text
An option to prevent ShowData turning itself back on when the report is
Enable right-click editing of label text.
Enable objects in the Title & Header bands to be set to ParentWidth (or at
least an easy way to set them to full page width). This is the only way to
ensure that Titles etc get centred properly if margins etc are changed.
A keep with detail band property for group header bands. I know this can be
achieved by other methods, but its not at all easy for an end-user.
More control over cross-tab appearance, esp. max column widths, formatting
of separate elements etc.
A page break object that can be positioned in any band.
More general: As someone who disliked Crystal, I have to admit that a nicely
implemented feature is the way that conditional formatting can be applied to
objects. I realise that this and far more can be done with RAP, but that is
a very daunting prospect for the non-programming end-user. The kind of thing
I am thinking of is a right click menu item on an object which would read
something like
if < 0 then [text.colour] = [red]
I am sure that this could be achieved relatively simply using a wrapper
round RAP. The functionality could be pretty limited to things like text
colour / background / visibility / format, with simple conditional
statements, as any more complex requirement could be achieved in RAP.
How about a suggestions / futures discussion newsgroup like the well
supported SQLAnywhere one on the Sybase news server?
Justin Willey
i also like RB, but nothing is so perfect, that it could be a little better
What do you mean with 27. KEEP-Option.
The other points are interesting also. I had totaly forgotten them :-)).
also the Idea of a discusiongroup for new features, an official wishlist
would be good. Perhaps DM would tell what the next steps would be.
Support more "Databases" in DADE.
Actually only one Database (ADOConnection) is possible, so i only could
handle tables from one sql database with ADO, but not also some dBase stuff
with ADO and a relationship between them in one DataTab.
Under http://searay/eulanda/inside/pascal/ i have documented all build in
RAP procedures and also all enhancements.
A public codebase would be great, perhaps with docs in different languages.
this link don't show much to me. Only a line with <meta name=...
Gruß aus den Bergen
start. We have a number of things on "The List", some major some minor (like
removing the RB icons in the query designer, rich edit editor and the calc
dialog), some dating back to early 2000.
Would be nice to see them being implemented.
Tim Parker-Nance
Orion Software, Leading Edge Accounting Software
not a very ideal name.
but we plan to localize our application in englisch in the nextyear, but
thats some time...
stylsheets to reduce filesize and to make consistent pages. Stylesheets are
only supported from Explorer 4.0 and netscape 4.7 and above, what i know.
Perhaps this is the reason.
Beste Gr??e aus dem Taunus
some code or to discuss about major and minor importance. Perhas some of DM
reads this thread and gives us a special newsgruop for discussion features.
please let me know, if it runs ok.