print problem if empty second dataset.....
RBPro 5.56Ent, D5Ent,
database MSSQL :
create table alfa (id int identity primary key, atext varchar(255))
create table beta (IDalfa int REFERENCES alfa(id), btext varchar(255))
alfa :
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
beta :
1 1111
3 3333
4 4444
ALFAQuery.SQL.Text := 'select * from alfa'
BETAQuery.SQL.Text := 'select * from beta where IDAlfa=:ID'
so, and now, I want to print it....
one subreport - alfa.
and in the Detail band DBText1 connected to PipelineALFA
and DBText2 connected to PipelineBETA.
Problem is , that the record nr.2 is not printed,
there is no record in BETAQuery for the second alfa record,
but it should be printed ALFA.Query.recordno 2. why not ???
trying print beta info in second subreport, will be the same,

what should it be ?
how to quickly fix it, without changing Delphi code ???
Kv?toslav Jansta
LCS International, a.s.
mailto :
ICQ: 51076087
This discussion has been closed.
that is defaulted setted to True.
I thing that in RBPro 5.0 there was no problem with this,
but now in 5.56 I have to set it manually to False;
Kv?toslav Jansta
LCS International, a.s.
mailto :
ICQ: 51076087
Article: Migrating Master/Detail reports to RB 5.5x
The following assumes you are using RB 5.52 or later....
Starting with RB 5.5, the data traversal logic and report engine have
been enhanced to support the new DADE linking features and to improve
the ability of subreports to handle detail data.
In the past the subreport did NOT properly honor the detail datapipeline
SkipWhenNoRecords property. Now that this deficiency has been fixed it
is causing some confusion.
To convert old reports that use subreports to print detail data:
1. Set the detail DataPipeline.SkipWhenNoRecords property to False.
When SkipWhenNoRecords is False, master records that contain no detail
data will NOT be skipped and will appear in the report.
2. Use the default NoDataBehaviors property value of [ndBlankPage].
When ChildReport.NoDataBehaviors = [ndBlankPage], the subreport will
simply exit and not print if there is no detail data.
Note: The NoDataBehaviors property was added in RB 5.52 to provide
better control over how a report/subreport behaves when there is no
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors