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subreprot and calc component

edited May 2006 in Subreports
I have a drilldown subreport on a master report. On the master report I
have a filed that calls an event to accumulate a total based on certain
factors. the calculated result is shown in the footer. However when the
user drills down into or then hides the subreport, this cacluated value is
bein recalculated. How can I get it to only calulate once?


  • edited May 2006

    Each time the drill down subreport is expanded/collapse the page has to
    regenerate. This results in the event-handlers firing.

    Are you using TppVariable components and the TppVariable.OnCalc event peform
    the calculations.

    If you have a TppVariable in the main report footer, how are you updating
    it? What events are you using? Are you using any external variables?

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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